Orange County NC Website
Cagy <br />PROPOSAL FOR INSURING THAT EVERY SCHOOL AGE <br />CHILD IN ORANGE COUNTY HAS AN EQUAL <br />OPPORTUNITY TO REACH HIS/HER <br />FULL EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL <br />I. February 12, 2004 meeting: Consider and act on a decision of'whether the <br />school systems should be merged <br />H. If the Board decides to merge the school systems, we should decide on <br />February 12, 2004 to set the Effective Date of Merger for July 1, 2006 or July <br />1, 2008. <br />III. If the Board decides to merge the school systems, we should decide on <br />February 12, 2004 to appoint a Citizens Merger Advisory Task Force to work <br />for not more than twelve months (12) after appointment to develop and <br />recommend a Proposed Merger Plan to the BOCC for approval. The BOCC <br />approved plan would be submitted to the State Department of Education in not <br />more than five months (5) after submission to the BOCC by the Citizens Task <br />force. The board should also decide at this meeting to employ a consultant to <br />work with county staff and the Task force to develop a plan that is consistent with <br />state board of education policies. The task force members and the consultant will <br />be appointed within 90 days of the February 12, 2004 meeting. <br />IV. Decide at the February 12, 2004 meeting that one part of the Proposed <br />Merger Plan will include a provision that no student in either system will be <br />involuntarily transferred from the school he /she attends on the effective date <br />of merger within the first three years after the effective date of merger extent <br />for those transfers necessary for occupancy ofthe new high school in southern <br />Orange County and the new middle school in central Orange County.. <br />V. Decide at the February 12, 2004 meeting that the BOCC will begin with the <br />2004/05 Orange County budget to phase out the city school district tag over a <br />three (3) year or five (5) year period (period to correspond with the date <br />selected for the Effective Date of Merger) and increase the general property tax <br />proportionately to fund schools. <br />VI. Decide at the February 12, 2004 meeting to ask each school board whether they <br />would participate in the development of a proposed merger plan if asked to do so. <br />