Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-12-2004
Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
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Chair Jacobs: Now, how would the Board like to proceed? As far as I know, <br />no member of the public has signed up to speak, but that doesn't mean that as soon <br />as I turn my head and look, people won't want to be recognized to speak. Would you <br />like to discuss the items on the agenda and then solicit public comment, or have <br />public comment now? <br />Commissioner Carey: Let's discuss the items on the agenda first. <br />Commissioner Gordon: I just wanted to mention that I had faxed to the <br />Commissioners last night an augmented proposal. The details of the proposal, as <br />you remember, four Commissioners presented proposals, and the details of the <br />proposal that I presented remain the same, but I did fax to the Commissioners and <br />then I passed it out tonight, and it's almost the same as the thing that I faxed last <br />night, except that I found a couple of typos that I corrected. It's a rationale behind <br />the proposal and also it discusses how my proposal fits in with the issue of possible <br />merger. The main thing I wanted to mention was that there seemed to be some <br />misunderstanding about what the funding equity part of my proposal included. And <br />what I wanted to stress was that the Commissioners are going to have to decide the <br />ultimate maximum level to tax, and the voters would have to approve it. But if that <br />happened, the tax would be available as soon as possible, and that means July 1, <br />2004.. And when I studied these issues, I thought it was very important that the <br />money should be available to the Orange County system as soon as possible. My <br />proposal seemed to be misunderstood in the sense that what kind of affect it would <br />eventually have. My thought would be that if we could all agree that it the County <br />supplemental tax would be put to a vote, and there's work to be done on that, is that <br />we'd have a permanent targeted tax, and it would specifically provide money to the <br />Orange County school system as soon as possible, again, .July 1, 2004. The other <br />thing I wanted to mention was if the Commissioners and the voters agreed the <br />amount of tax levied could increase in subsequent years until the funding disparity <br />was reduced or even eliminated,. I think the proposal was misunderstood in thinking <br />that there would be a certain cap. My proposal had to do with getting money to the <br />Orange County school system in July 1, 2004, and then the voters and the <br />Commissioners could agree. But the funding disparity could be reduced or even <br />eliminated using this approach, and that was something that people in the public <br />hearing didn't seem to pick up on. I assume the Commissioners understood it, but <br />the public didn't seem to. So I just wanted to clarify that. And I passed out copies <br />and I have more copies here. <br />Chair Jacobs: Let me suggest that just in the interest of having some order <br />to the conversation, we have the agenda abstract set out with specific topics in some <br />kind of order that the Chair and Vice -Chair worked out with staff. If it pleases the <br />Board, I would suggest we go in that order. The first has to do with collaboration. As <br />staff notes, it was part of virtually every proposal. <br />Commissioner Carey: With one exception. And when we get to discussion <br />of my proposal, because I think I don't see it on here. I see the three. <br />John Link: It's referred to as next steps on page four of the abstract. <br />Chair Jacobs: When I said virtually, I consider merger the ultimate <br />collaboration. So if you want to speak to collaboration in terms of merger, you're <br />certainly welcome. <br />Commissioner Carey: Well, you're right, it is the ultimate collaboration. <br />And I think it would be one that I think has the only chance of working. I can wait <br />until the other discussions about collaborations are held tonight. The amendment I <br />would like to make in my proposal is not necessarily inconsistent with collaboration, <br />or what I think might be developing in terms of collaboration. So I can wait. <br />aIi <br />
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