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So that in the context of an efficiency study, there is ample power to obtain whatever <br />information is deemed necessary in completing the efficiency study. That <br />summarizes the changes to the abstract that were made to add those ideas to what <br />was put together by the staff before that. <br />Commissioner Brown: Can you give me an example of the first type of <br />funding? <br />Geof Gledhill: By purpose and function type funding? <br />Commissioner Brown: Yes. <br />Geof Gledhill: If you look at Attachment X, which is red, the first grouping — <br />this comes from the Orange County Schools' budget resolution for 2003 -2004, which <br />is the only document that we were able to obtain in this short time that we had to pull <br />this together. It lists instructional programs. I'm not certain what would be a purpose <br />and what would be a function. But, for example, you could appropriate your local <br />current expense fund money, which is what the first grouping, section 1, of that <br />budget resolution reflects, The total of $19 million in local current expense fund, of <br />which $17,205 comes from the County's per pupil allocation. You could allocate in <br />the budget regular instructional programs, special instructional programs, co- <br />curricular instructional programs, and so forth, if you were so inclined. That has not <br />been the practice of the Orange County Board of Commissioners for as long as I <br />know. The practice has been to go to the bottom line and do a per pupil allocation, <br />and then allow the schools to create the allocations in their budget. The schools are <br />required to submit to you in a budget request these allocations. And then you can <br />appropriate on that basis and then they must in turn adopt on that basis if you direct <br />them to, if you appropriate it on that basis. <br />Commissioner Carey: And if we appropriate on that basis, in order for the <br />school system to make any changes to that, they'd have to come back to us for <br />approval of any changes. <br />Geof Gledhill: Within limits. The other attachment that was added is <br />Attachment Y, which is also red. And it explains in subsection B, the degree to which <br />the budget can be changed by the Board of Education. And there is leeway for the <br />Board of Education to reallocate, but beyond that leeway, it would have to be <br />approved by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Brown: Why was it that you could only obtain a copy of the <br />Orange County School Board's? <br />Geof Gledhill: I think the answer is because of the amount of time. <br />Commissioner Brown: How much time? <br />Geof Gledhill: A couple of days. I don't know what Donna Dean was able to <br />obtain as a document from the Orange County Schools. I think just because of the <br />amount of time, it's the only one that was able to be obtained in the short time. <br />Rod Visser: What we were actually trying to retrieve was some kind of <br />document that may have existed. We started with the State Department of Public <br />Instruction to see if there was something on the website that lays out what the <br />budget format for this is, and it may be allocated or we just didn't find it in a short <br />period of time. So we don't mean to suggest that we didn't get what we asked for <br />from either school system or anything like that, we were just trying to pull together <br />information about what generically is the uniform school budget format. <br />Geof Gledhill: One other comment I'll make. Although it doesn't show up in <br />this attachment, each one of those categories like regular instructional programs, <br />special instructional programs, has a corresponding number, count number I guess, <br />in the uniform budget format. That's not shown in the way this was presented, but <br />18 <br />