Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-12-2004
Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
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Another topic that was discussed on November 11 th was, both <br />Commissioners Brown and Jacobs talked about the possibility of convening an <br />educational excellence evaluation group, and I'm sure the Board will talk a little bit <br />about that. <br />Another theme that was discussed as part of those proposals, primarily <br />Commissioner Jacobs, was a school efficiency study that would be aimed at <br />assessing and providing reassurance, I guess, to the community and the <br />Commissioners, and other interested parties that the appropriations that the County <br />Commissioners were making for education now were being well and efficiently spent. <br />What's new in this blue sheet primarily falls in that area This is some additional <br />information that the County Attorney has pulled together that talks in a little bit more <br />detail than what we had in the original abstract last week about what the statutory <br />provisions are in the North Carolina law for the allocation of current expense funding, <br />for example, by Boards of County Commissioners towards purpose or functions or <br />projects within school budgets. And again, I'm sure Geoff can respond to any <br />questions that you might have about those details. <br />Another major element of research that the County Commissioners asked <br />was for a thorough assessment and presentation on the workings of the countywide <br />supplemental tax. And Geoff likewise has done the work on that. There was a letter <br />prepared that covered some topics that weren't addressed in previous letters that <br />Geof has written over the years on issues that relate to district taxes. So that <br />information was provided for the Board's information as well. <br />The last topic that you probably wanted addressed since, in some regard, is <br />the proposal contained in Commissioner Carey's proposal from November 11'h about <br />the timing for making sort of a yes or no decision about whether or not to proceed <br />with merger. <br />So that describes the materials that you have. I guess one more thing I <br />would add is that in addition to the information that Geoff provided about the <br />statutory workings of allocation by funding. There's two red attachments here that <br />are referred to in the abstract, and they basically provide some information about the <br />uniform school budget format that's required of school boards throughout the State of <br />North Carolina, and also some more statutory provisions that are relevant about <br />amendments to those school budgets. So, with that, I'll stop and invite any questions <br />the Commissioners may have <br />Commissioner Brown: I'd be interested in the analysis of what Geof came <br />forward and brought to us in this. Reading the legal material, it is not perfectly clear <br />to me. <br />Geof Gledhill: Which area are you talking about? <br />Chair Jacobs: Educational funding. <br />Geof Gledhill: What was added to the abstract related to educational <br />funding is the notion that rather than appropriating a lump sum to the schools each <br />year for current expense money, the Board of Commissioners is empowered to <br />appropriate by purpose and function. And one of the attachments, Attachment X, <br />gives an example of the degree of division, I guess, that's contemplated in that law. <br />The other point that was added to the agenda information was the notion that the <br />efficiency study that has been proposed by one or more of the County <br />Commissioners fits in with the power granted counties to request and obtain <br />information from the schools with respect to actually just about anything going on in <br />the schools. And in that regard, the County Commissioners can request and the <br />boards of education are required to provide books, records, audit reports, and other <br />information bearing on the financial operation of the local school administrative unit. <br />I-� <br />
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