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9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -- REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Next Steps on Analysis on Potential School Merger <br />The Board considered discussing the next steps regarding the examination of <br />potential impacts resulting from a possible merger of the Orange County Schools <br />and the Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools. <br />The following was transcribed verbatim at the request of John Link. <br />Chair Jacobs: As we said previously, there is a new permutation, this blue <br />color, at our places that is this agenda abstract in its most recent version. <br />John Link: Thank you Mr. Chair and members of the Board. At your <br />November 1 t"' work session, you discussed the elements of four individual <br />proposals that Commissioners Brown, Gordon, Carey, and Jacobs presented that <br />evening. In addition, you discussed to some extent the major themes that you have <br />heard at the first two public hearings. And you also asked the County staff to <br />respond to certain questions that you had that evening that you'd like to have <br />answers to for tonight. And so I'm going to ask Rod Visser, Assistant County <br />Manager to walk through briefly the material as we've tried to construct it to your <br />benefit tonight that responds to your questions and also tries to put in some context <br />the information that you shared as part of your proposals that evening. <br />Rod Visser: I'll just try to point out some of the attachments that were <br />provided in response to some of the questions the Board raised, as John pointed out, <br />and just mention briefly the difference in the blue version of the abstract that you <br />have in front of you compared to the one you received last week. As John noted, at <br />the November 1 Vh work session, the County Commissioners had their first <br />opportunity really to talk about the report and the public input that had been provided <br />over the previous two months. We prepared this agenda item for your discussion <br />and follow -up on that around a number of major themes. Some of the attachments <br />are provided to help you organize your discussion about that. The first four <br />attachments in here are the proposals presented by four of the Commissioners on <br />November 11`h.. I won't review those in detail, because I'm sure you'll be talking <br />about those in a couple of minutes. Three of those four proposals actually mention <br />specifically an interest in pursuing further collaboration in conjunction with the two <br />school systems, and part of your abstract includes a brief summary of the points from <br />Commissioners Gordon's, Jacobs', and Brown's proposals that dealt with <br />collaboration.. <br />We also included just for reference purposes a draft collaboration initiative <br />that had been developed about a year ago, pursuant to conversations between the <br />chairs of the Board of County Commissioners and the two school boards working in <br />conjunction with Dr. Phil Boyle at the Institute of Government. That proposal has <br />been discussed a couple of times during the past year, but we hadn't taken any <br />action on it in light of the analysis that was pending regarding potential merger <br />implications and funding equity considerations. I guess it would be important to <br />report that I talked to Phil Boyle probably about six weeks ago, and circumstances <br />have changed.. I suppose that's not a big surprise given that a year has passed. My <br />understanding is that Dr. Boyle is going to be leaving the Institute of Government at <br />the end of this academic year, so it's not clear that the proposal that was developed <br />a year ago is one that could actually be carried through. Phil did tell me that he <br />would have some interest in doing it probably personally, but it's not clear that he'd <br />be able to accomplish it within the time frame while he's still working for the Institute <br />of Government. So, that said, the information that's there may still be relevant to the <br />discussion that the Board may have about potential collaboration. <br />E <br />