Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> (e,e-)(gg) Serious physical harm animal: Any physical injury that results in broken <br /> bones, life threatening injuries, long term hospitalization, death or euthanasia. <br /> { )Steel Jaw Trap: Spring-powered devices or traps which capture or hold an animal <br /> by exerting a lateral force with fix mounted jaws on the leg, toe, paw, or any other <br /> part of the animal's body. <br /> (gg) ii Stray: Any domestic animal that is not under restraint or is not on the property of <br /> its owner and is wandering at large, or is lost, or does not have an owner, or does <br /> not bear evidence of the identification of any owner. <br /> (hh)—Suspected of Having Rabies: An animal which has bitten a person or another <br /> animal. <br /> WL- <br /> (i})(kk�Tethering: To restrain a dog outdoors by means of a rope, chain, wire or other <br /> type of line for holding a dog one end of which is fastened to the dog and the <br /> opposite end of which is connected to a stationary object or to a cable or trolley <br /> system. This does not include walking a dog with a handheld leash. <br /> 1( 1) Veterinary Hospital: Any place or establishment which is maintained and operated <br /> under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian as a hospital where animals are <br /> harbored,boarded and cared for incidental to the treatment, prevention or <br /> alleviation of disease processes during the routine practice of the profession of <br /> veterinary medicine for surgery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of <br /> animals. <br /> mm Wild Animals: An animal (other than livestock) that typically is found in a <br /> nondomesticated state and that bo,.ause „fits size of!aange,ous e *< <br /> Rd ineludes any or-all hybFids bred with these animals and domestie <br /> s�eEi-es• <br /> (nn) Wild and Dangerous Animals: Wild animals that are deemed dangerous and <br /> injurious, or potentially dangerous and injurious, to the public and/or domesticated <br /> animals and/or other property based on elevated risk of causing physical, zoonotic <br /> or epidemiological harm. <br /> injeetinR toxins t.,, eausesey—Iraj, aoath to i,,,v,-,.,r�• i rno <br /> �,o <, t E)diea snake that roods b nstf etio., <br />