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22 <br /> interim work program will be utilized for the upcoming fiscal year, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 159-13, <br /> until such time as a new work program is adopted by the parties identified in 7.04 and 7.05. In <br /> the case that an interim budget goes into effect,the current year operating budget will be <br /> assumed for the upcoming fiscal year. No additional capital expenses will be approved, nor any <br /> additional reimbursements paid for capital projects, until such time that a new work program is <br /> adopted by the parties identified in 7.04 and 7.05.This interim budget does not require <br /> approval of either body in 7.04 or 7.05. In the event an Interim Work Program is enacted, and <br /> specialized fiscal analysis is required to further inform achieving a new Annual Work Program, <br /> the tax district administrator shall bring such request to the SWG for review &approval. <br /> Article VIII <br /> Process for Recommendation, Approval, and Development of Orange County Transit Multi-year Vision <br /> Plan <br /> 8.01 The Multi-year Vision Plan shall include the component documents outlined in Section 2.038. <br /> The plan shall be assembled and reviewed in accordance with the Annual Work Program <br /> Development Calendar or other agreed upon schedule based on timing and need for multi-year <br /> plan adoption. <br /> 8.02 The SWG shall recommend the Multi-Year Vision Plan to the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners, DCHC MPO Board and the GoTriangle Board of Trustees for approval in <br /> accordance with the Annual Work Program Development Calendar or agreed upon schedule to <br /> meet the needs for the Multi-year plan adoption.The schedule shall allow each agency <br /> adequate time to review documentation, identify concerns and coordinate issues. Included in <br /> the schedule shall be a procedure for the SWG to plan for and schedule elements of public <br /> outreach and involvement. <br /> 8.03 Upon recommendation from the SWG,the Orange Transit Multi-year Vision Plan shall go before <br /> each governing board (Orange County Board of Commissioners, DCHC MPO Board and <br /> GoTriangle Board of Trustees) for review and the opportunity to take the following actions: <br /> a. Approve the Orange Transit Multi-year Vision Plan as recommended; <br /> b. Deny, while providing a list of minor issues, technical corrections, or a specific listing of <br /> Significant Concerns with the Orange Transit Multi-year Vision Plan. <br /> 8.04 If any of the three governing boards denies the Multi-Year Vision Plan and creates a detailed <br /> listing of minor issues, technical corrections, or Significant Concerns for the recommended <br /> Orange Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan, SWG staff members who represent the dissenting board <br /> shall communicate the issues to other staff representatives of the other governing board(s) and <br /> coordinate with other SWG members to revise the plan and then submit for an additional <br /> review and approval by all three governing boards. <br />