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are anticipated to be in hand in December 2005 with bidding and bid award by February 2006 <br />and completion of system construction in June 2006, weather permitting. <br />Overall system design/development elements involving the existing NHSC tract include: 1) <br />converting one of the existing system's septic tanks to a grease trap; 2) installing a new 18,000 <br />gallon septic tank adjacent to the existing grease traps and septic tanks; and 3) converting the <br />existing distribution pumping station to a transmission pumping station (conveying septic tank <br />system effluent to the Vincent tract). System design/development elements involving the <br />Vincent tract include installing: 1) three modular Advantex filtration units (approximately 8'w x <br />16'I x3.5'd) with re-circulation tanks, pumps, etc.; 2) a distribution pump station; 3) an ultra-violet <br />disinfection system; and 4) a three section nitrification field. A system of at least three ground <br />water monitoring wells will be installed on site: one up-slope of the system to establish <br />background readings and two down-slope to detect any movement of effluent toward properties <br />off~~site. The system will be capable of remote monitoring of operational parameters as well as <br />automated remote system malfunction/failure notification. The portions of the system located <br />on the Vincent tract will be essentially invisible off-site as the shallow filtration units will be <br />bermed/buried; pumping stations, valve vaults will be installed with the taps at or near ground <br />level; piping will be subsurface; and the nitrification field will similar to the existing grassy field in <br />front of the NHSC, etc. Only the electrical control panels will be mounted above ground and <br />visible. The entire installation will also be screened by retention of the existing tree buffer <br />around the property lines. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated additional cost for the well water system (approximately <br />$10,000 has already been expended on the well and pump) is $35,000. The estimated project <br />budget far the wastewater treatment system is $250,000 and capital project funds have been <br />previously allocated in that amount. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Baard receive this report as <br />information and provide any comments to staff. <br />