Orange County NC Website
2 OF 3325124TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYORANGE COUNTY POPLEGENDI, Alan H. Allbert, certify that this plat was drawn under mysupervision from an actual survey performed under mysupervision (deed description recorded in Book 887, page 187,etc.) (other); that the boundaries not surveyed are clearlyindicated as drawn from information found in Plat Book 76,page 119; that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1: 10,000;that the Global Positioning System (GPS) survey and thefollowing information was used to perform the GPS (GNSS ifdual constellations are used) survey:Class of survey: Class APositional accuracy: 0.07Type of GPS field procedure: Real-Time KinematicDates of survey: October 25, 2022Datum/Epoch: Horizontal Datum is NAD83/2011 Vertical Datum is NAVD88Published/Fixed-control use: VRSGeoid model: GEOID18Combined grid factor(s): 0.999968Units: U.S. Survey FeetThat this map meets the requirements of the standards ofpractice for land surveying in North Carolina (21 NCAC56.1600).Witness my original signature and seal this the 12th day ofJanuary, 2022.NORTH CAROLINA PLS # L-3738ALAN H. ALLBERT   <br /> <br />  -\ ~ \ 1'' ~ IPF S89"54'11"E \~·~11·½. ca.::.:...-------------------=4;.;22;.;.3..;5.;.'.:... ________________________ 1 __ (9)\ 40.90'"""\' ---R/W----x--~----OHW--'Th 'Th ◊ []Jrn [i] ® @IPF @ PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) RIGHT-OF-WAY CHAIN LINK FENCE TREE LINE EDGE Of PAVEMENT OVERHEAD 'MRE UTILITY POLE YJITH TRANSFORMER UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE ELECTRICAL METER TELCO BOX/PEDESTAL SANITARY SE'hE.R MANHOLE IRON PIPE (FOUND) PROPERTY CORNER (CALCULATED) -_,,,,. ---------------I ·. \ ',,<'. \ __ IPF \ \ \ \ ~ \ "i \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ o· 50' 100· SCALE: 1" -50' ORIGINAL MAP SIZE 11.00" X 17.00" ~ TEP ENGINEERING, PLLC j 326 TRYON ROAD ~ RALEIGH, NC 27603-3530 SHEET : PROJECT INFORMATION: (919) 661-6351 COA#P-1403 TEP : 600 NC 86 HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 HILLSBOROUGH TOWNSHIP ORANGE COUNTY PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS SURVEY PREPARED FOR: lumos· (336) 900-0428 FIELD WORK PERFORMED ON: 10 25 22 REV DATE ISSUED FOR INITIALS 0 11/10/2022 PRELIMINARY OOS 1 11/30/2022 FINAL 00S 2 01/06/2023 RE\,1SIONS 00S EXHIBIT 1 TO LICENSE AGREEMENTDocuSign Envelope ID: A3D0FC59-070D-48DB-AC4E-405DD26F2774