Agenda - 02-07-2023; 8-g - Adoption of Orange County’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
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Agenda - 02-07-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda - 02-07-2023; 8-g - Adoption of Orange County’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
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2/2/2023 2:21:57 PM
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2/2/2023 2:15:00 PM
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Agenda for February 7, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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24 <br /> Current resources available to assist qualifying populations, including congregate and non- <br /> congregate shelter units, supportive services, tenant-based rental assistance, and affordable <br /> and permanent supportive rental housing <br /> Orange County has several resources available to help people experiencing homelessness.The Housing <br /> Helpline is an in-person, phone, and email information and referral service for anyone in housing crisis <br /> that uses HUD coordinated entry practices to route people to the resources they need—including rent <br /> and utility assistance for people maintaining housing, homelessness diversion and eviction diversion for <br /> people at risk of homelessness, and emergency response (shelter and/or street outreach) and <br /> permanent housing referrals for people experiencing homelessness. <br /> Orange County has two congregate emergency shelters that serve men, women, and families operated <br /> by the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service. Compass Center operates a non-congregate shelter program <br /> for people fleeing domestic violence. In January 2022,the County currently operates non-congregate <br /> shelter for overflow cold weather cots and a hotel program for people experiencing homelessness who <br /> are Covid positive. <br /> The Orange County Street Outreach, Harm Reduction and Deflection (SOHRAD) program connects <br /> people living unsheltered with services and housing and helps to deflect law enforcement interactions. <br /> The Criminal Justice Resource Department (CJRD) administers the Local Reentry Council that provides <br /> case management and housing resources for people exiting jail and prison. CJRD also manages the <br /> Lantern Project, a deflection, diversion, and reentry program that connects people with histories of <br /> substance use who are justice involved with therapeutic supports as soon as possible,the Restoration <br /> Legal Counsel who provides pro bono legal assistance to individuals facing barriers due to a criminal <br /> record and/or driver's license suspension, and a Clinical Coordinator and Youth Behavioral Health Liaison <br /> who provide clinical services to people who are incarcerated.The Chapel Hill Police Crisis Unit assists <br /> people living unsheltered and others who have law enforcement contact. Orange County Outreach <br /> Court is a therapeutic court model that connects people with low-level charges with services—in <br /> exchange for engaging with service providers and housing plans, people have their court charges <br /> dismissed. <br /> The UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health HomeLink program serves people who are <br /> experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with mental health, occupational therapy, housing, and <br /> employment and training resources.The Community Empowerment Fund works one-on-one with <br /> people to achieve goals like savings plans and housing. Freedom House provides behavioral health <br /> services including detox and crisis treatment. <br /> There are also many permanent housing programs in Orange County, including the Orange County Rapid <br /> Re-housing program, and Volunteers of America's Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families <br /> program.The Orange County Housing Authority partners with the Durham VA to provide HUD-VASH <br /> vouchers for veterans, and issues Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) and Emergency Housing Vouchers <br /> (EHVs)to people exiting homelessness.The Orange County Emergency Housing Assistance program <br /> (funded by the County and the Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Carrboro and Town of Hillsborough) <br /> provides security deposits and first month's rent for people exiting homelessness, in addition to ongoing <br /> rent and utility assistance payments for all people at or below 30%of Area Median Income . Compass <br /> 22 <br />
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