Orange County NC Website
HytlrograDhy (Catldakes) This map conNins parcels prepared for the Inventory of realpropery wlNin tJ <br />~rnajor ftmd5 Cmnga County, and is compiletl from mcorded deed, plats, and other public <br />Ccuoty records and dales Usam o/Nis map are hereby noMetl that the aforemenUOnetl <br />Taxi TwmslupTexl public primary inlormagon sources should ba consulted !or verlUCagon of the <br />Tav~N~ In/ormation wntainetl on this map. The county and its mapping companies assume <br />".Hydmgmptry lGQSVOams) no legal responsibility(or the lnfomiadon conNlned on Nis map. <br />Qrange County GIS <br />1:3609 <br />