Orange County NC Website
2 <br />farmer's market expanded outline, in exchange far a larger area downstream near the Eno <br />(where no activity is planned in either project). <br />The Stillhouse Creek Stream Restoration project, in summary, will involve the following <br />components to address the erosion and health of the stream: <br />1. Planting a buffer of native vegetation incltding shrubs, bushes and trees td help <br />protect and stabilize the streamside area, <br />2, The introduction of a stream "bench" to minimize erosion and provide for an overflow <br />area, <br />3, Re-routing of one segment of the stream, to slaw down water velocity and create <br />wetland pools to enhance aquatic life habitat, and <br />4, Environmental education signage at the stream crossings to explain the project and <br />the stream ecosystem and habitat <br />As with all EEP projects, once the work has been completed a conservation easement is <br />drawn up and executed. This is done after the restoration work so as to conform to the actual <br />boundaries of the project as constructed, EEP has already agreed to exclude several areas <br />from the easement at the County's request, including the Government Services Center and <br />Annex, the parking lots, and the Occoneechi Village. Bids for the project's construction and <br />planting are imminent. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost to the County for this project, estimated at $100,000, <br />Total project cost will be paid by the NC EEP, In exchange for the project, the County will be <br />asked to grant a conservation easement on the land covered by the stream restoration <br />plantings, after the work is completed, <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the proposed <br />project details and provide feedback, as desired. Staff from NCEEP plans to be present to <br />provide more detailed information, <br />