Orange County NC Website
Significant Timelines For The <br /> Whathre Consumers Family Stale Plan <br /> aWlsary0omrolltew <br /> rMllaee rnM <br /> Each LME musty advisory <br /> Committee. 11tlslsyyLasempaywyry YSp aalpNbs <br /> consumer and family advisory Mt <br /> mandershi T1 u the 100% plan 0 the State arve SAS 1189101 <br /> memberehip must be 100h Plan tc me Legislebve <br /> consumers and family embers. Opened admissions y Open lumissimsar tMATse &110] <br /> People representing all disability romissiotary substance abuse <br /> groups will be equally represented admissions <br /> Race and <br /> tiioftmembers will Golds operator At Risk niidz <br /> se representative d by the system those who are cbudren operational h ao <br /> served by the system Each Eliminate ll <br /> o br2stare psyebior corm <br /> committee will have, for woman, hospital to co and nits <br /> disability youth member er a woman, Transfer to community <br /> members may represent Family fromM of least to people 7I1102 <br /> parent may represent the needs A loco MR renters to community <br /> parent may represent the needs of ICPrMRMW <br /> Parents of adult consumers, but shall bases onhevieoe-base�ols ]/v02 <br /> not represent adult consumers. practices ander national <br /> Each local advisory committee will standards of aervlce delivery <br /> be Staffed by an employee of the Receive and act on lenses or 10liib2 <br /> LME who will have the following intent tom wunlies regarding <br /> Obtain consumer LMGs <br /> System of Care for At Risk ]11103 <br /> and family Input from the Community, Children operational In 50 <br /> to implement recommendations from counties <br /> the advisory committee, to serve as Feducmadditi One 115a man 7M/05 <br /> liaison to the state advisory Slate hospital beds _ <br /> committee, as well as other local Rollout a reimbursable 70103 <br /> agencies, organizations, and substance abuse prevent <br /> benefit for 1,500 children and <br /> associations. The advisory weir families <br /> committee will be in place prior t0 the The secretary shall complete 711193 <br /> development and submission of she certification of 113 of area <br /> local business plan. Advisory aumowersrmunty programs <br /> as <br /> committees will advise the LME LMES <br /> The Secretary shall complete tit/OA <br /> They will the fowl <br /> review and sub it to ceniyeesas LMES area <br /> t <br /> They also review and son the 011"s ies as LMES <br /> the State business Clan reports on the OHMS secretary LMES fete Tn/o4 <br /> loll business plan which will dissidents of LMES <br /> contain recommendations regarding adult erastal bad$ ztz state rune <br /> ean. 9 11i maa Imbeds <br /> state approval of no local plan ad number uni in/m of <br /> digrams and beVed <br /> [no more diagrams <br /> 20e reduzd m <br />