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Revised 4/22 <br /> <br />The Subcommittee Chair, elected by the Subcommittee, shall generally monitor the duties of the Grant <br />Program administration; make sure grant proposals are properly prepared prior to their presentations at <br />the Subcommittee meetings; and oversee the preparation of commitment letters to approved grantees, <br />with the assistance of County staff if needed. Grant commitment letters will be signed by the Chair <br />and/or by County staff. <br />The Subcommittee will have the following responsibilities: <br /> Find creative ways to grant funds to stimulate successful Business Investment development a nd <br />job creation. <br /> Review grant applications quarterly and, determine which applications meet eligibility <br />requirements and whether an eligible application will be approved, approved with conditions, <br />submitted to the applicant for more information, or denied funding. <br /> Periodically review status of existing grants to determine if funds are being used in the manner in <br />which they were intended, and recommend appropriate corrective action where needed. <br /> Evaluate grant application requirements and make appropriate adjustments as needed to <br />accomplish the objectives of the program. <br /> Conduct annual review of grants and their impact on the County’s Business Investment <br />environment. <br /> Provide explanation of why grant was not approved, if requested. <br /> <br />GRANT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION <br />The Grant Program will be administered by a Subcommittee consisting of five members from the <br />Orange County Economic Development Advisory Board. The Subcommittee will meet quarterly to <br />make and facilitate grants. A quorum will consist of 3 voting members of the Subcommittee. As outlined <br />in the Orange County Advisory Board Ethics Guidelines, a member shall disclose any potential conflict <br />of interest and request to be excused from voting when there is a conflict of interest. County staff may <br />be utilized to service grants, including receiving applications, notifying applicants of the Subcommittee ’s <br />decision, making payment to recipients, and generating administrative reports. <br /> <br />DEADLINES (of each year by 5:00 pm) <br /> March 31 <br /> June 30 <br /> September 30 <br /> December 31 <br /> <br />FUNDING <br />The County will provide funding for the Grant Program through revenues generated from the Orange <br />County quarter cent sales tax. <br /> <br />COMMITMENT PERIOD <br />The County will support the Program until funding is exhausted; demand for the Program no longer <br />exists, or until it is no longer financially feasible. <br /> <br />ELIGIBILITY <br /> Applicant’s business must be located in Orange County in areas zoned appropriately for their <br />use. <br /> Applicant’s business must be in operation, generating sales/revenue, for at last 6-months prior <br />to the application deadline. <br /> Applicants and their businesses must not have any past due tax, fee, or fine applicable to <br />Orange County. <br /> Applicant must be current with any existing Orange County Small Business Loan, CROP Loan <br />or Emergency Small Business Loan Payments. <br /> Applicant must wait at least 6-months from previous award before reapplying if they have <br />received funding under the small grant category, or one year if they have received funding <br />under the large grant category. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 44B9C2F9-813E-4C77-844E-BCC57EDD6F11