Orange County NC Website
4 <br />match will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners will make a determination on <br />the approval of matching grants, at their discretion and as funds permit. <br />To apply for matching funds, an application request must be submitted to <br />the County. The application should state the name of the applying agency, <br />its Federal tax status (501 c3 or other qualifying status), the purpose of the <br />proposed project, the anticipated cost of the project, and other details as <br />shall be specified on the application form. '!'he a~lioan[ naus[ provide <br />documentation en.un•irzg that their portion oftlze matching=funds is <br />available cnul crt hand. <br />The application will be evaluated by County staff, with a recormnendation <br />submitted to the Board of Commissioners. Criteria for evaluating project <br />applications will include (but are not limited to): <br />a) Best Management Practices /Field Management Ability <br />b) Demonstrated commitment to Outreach and Inclusion ofMinority <br />Participation and other prnclices nromothrg equality and goodwill <br />reeardless of an individzral's race color creed religion na[ional <br />ori¢irr, sex, disabilih~, age, vetermr statars or familial stalzrs. <br />c) Demonstrated commitment to Sportsmanship and Competitiveness <br />Values in Agency Leadership and Program Policies and Practices <br />d) Accessibility of Field(s) for Public Non-programmed Use <br />e) Access to Public Transportation <br />fl Free and clear oramersTzi~o/the land on ro>>hich the fields will be <br />developed. <br />Orange County retains the right to assume controlling management and <br />operation of facilities for which managing entities have received grant <br />monies from this fund, should the Manager and the Board determine that <br />field managerent, maintenance and/or availability expectations based on <br />the above criteria and spelled out in the contract authorizing grant approval <br />have not been maintained. <br />Ls [he even[ ofsale lease ar jorecloszrre oJlhe property mrd/a~ the fcrcilitles <br />developed rritlz gram funds the corrn[t~ mill re[ain the option ofri~I7t of p•st <br />refzrscrl to purchase/lease [he property/fcrc•ilities at mcn ket va(zre less the <br />amozrrzl oflhe grant. Aherrsntively, the rorrnh~ rncry choose to receive <br />z°eimhursenvent for the gram[ morrieshrovided. <br />Construction of soccer fields through matching grants to qualified <br />organizations must be initiated within tluee (3) years of the grant award. <br />3. Conditions and Priorities for Funding Consideration <br />