Orange County NC Website
Legal D099=intJOn Of 60 ko + Portion If <br /> Greene Tract to be C <br /> Property located in Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, North <br /> Carolina and more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at an existing iron, CONTROL CORNER, which is the <br /> northwest corner of the property herein described and which iron <br /> is the northeast corner of property now of formerly owned by the <br /> Town of Chapel Hill and others described in Deed Book 1437, Page <br /> 316 of the Orange County Registry which iron is located S 3B <br /> deg. 18. 52" W 5,302.36' from U.S.G.S. MON HILLTOP (NAD.27) , <br /> thence from the beginning point the following courses and <br /> distances: S 89 de¢ ¢3. 48° R 247.00' to an existing iron; <br /> thence N 89 deg. 06' 52" E 1,023.94' to an set on the <br /> astern limits of the Southern Railroad right-of-way, the <br /> northeast corner of the property herein described; thence with <br /> the western limits of said right-of-way S '23 deg. 08' 42" E <br /> 264.90' to an iron set; thence 5 32 deg. 03' 27" E 1,452.48' to <br /> an iron set; thence S 08 deg. 11' 01° E 87.79' to a computed <br /> point; thence 5 02 deg. 15' lY B 99.04' to a commuted point; <br /> thence S 04 deg. 29' 22° W 101.09' to a computed point; thence 8 <br /> 11 deg. 26. 24"' w 98.14' t0 a computed point; thence S 17 deg <br /> 10' 53" W 99.69' t0 a Computed point; thence 8 20 deg. 32' 23" W <br /> 99.46' to an set, a southeast corner of the property herein <br /> described; thence leaving said right-of-way N 84 deg. 27' 59° W <br /> 510.28' to an n set, which i i8 located i an abandoned <br /> roadway; thence N08 deg. 39. 41- E 586.39' to an <br /> thence N 88 deg. 05' 28" W 1,423.93' to n set,iron <br /> also in a n <br /> abandoned roadway; thence along and with the abandoned roadway <br /> 26 deg. 50' IV W 149.08' to an iron set; thence N 60 deg. 28' <br /> 161 W 187.09' to an Bet; thence N 30 deg. 23. 00° W 191.82' <br /> to a n 8°iron set; thence N 26 deg. 12' 3 W 70.29' to an <br /> set; thence leaving the abandoned roadway N Be deg. 25' 220 E <br /> 144.24' to a existing iron; thence N 00 deg. 36' 48° W 903.18' <br /> to the point and place of beginning and containing approximately <br /> 60.00 AC. GROSS by D.M�.�Dp.�, all as shown on the plat recorded of <br /> Plat Book S/ ,_., Page of the Orange County Registry which <br /> plat was prepared by Dale D. Faulkner, P.L.S. L-2176 and titled <br /> °FINAL PLAT EXEMPT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OF TOW.OF CHAPEL HILL <br /> ET AL. ;° together with the right of ingress, egress and regress <br /> to and the right to construct or have constructed the necessary <br /> . - <br /> track, siding and other facilities reasonably necessary toB <br /> access the Southern Railroad rail system that lien within the <br /> Southern Railroad right-of-way where that right-of-way adjoins <br /> and abuts the property described here. <br />