Orange County NC Website
Actions by a Party. Any references to approvals or other actions by <br /> any party will be deemed to be references to actions taken by the Party's <br /> Governing Board or taken pur uan[ to express, Specific direction given by <br /> the Party's Governing Board.s <br /> Horsed-Upon Procedures. The t e=, Conditions and procedures for <br /> tranaferring employees and assets to the County as provided for.'by Part 1, <br /> and for transferring the property described on exhibit a to the county as <br /> provided for by 'Part 5, in all cases shall be as agreed upon by the <br /> C ty, Carrbcro and Chapel Hill. <br /> affective Pate: Term. This Agre ,ent Shell take effect as provided <br /> e <br /> in Part 1. Mis Agreement will continu in effect so long as there are at <br /> leant two Parties to the Aereemen0. _ <br />