Orange County NC Website
If at any time the University of North CarolicA agrees to Comply <br /> with the provisions of Part 2 with respect to its facilities and <br /> Operations in orange County, then the Parties agree that the <br /> university, through its president, shall be entitled to appoint to the <br /> Advisory Board one voting member, having phe. vote. Any initial <br /> University member $hall serve for a tern ending on the third Sure 30 <br /> following the member's appointment, and any succeeding University <br /> member shall a e for a three-yeas term (with there being no limits on <br /> the reappointment of University members) . The limitations in ExLibit C <br /> excluding e,ployeee Of Parties from saccring on the Advisory Hoard do <br /> not apply to the University or University memhera one parties agree to <br /> enter into a supplement or amendment to this agreement to include <br /> provisions reaso,sOly necessary or appropriate to provide for the <br /> University's participation on the advisory Board in such circuwrances. <br /> 11 <br />