Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Vote for Chair of the Board of Commissioners: <br /> 3 7 votes cast for Jamezetta Bedford (Amy Fowler, Sally Greene, Jean Hamilton, Earl <br /> 4 McKee, Renee Price, Anna Richards) <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Jamezetta Bedford became the new Chair of the Board of Commissioners. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Vote for Vice Chair of the Board of Commissioners: <br /> 9 4 votes cast for Earl McKee (Amy Fowler, Earl McKee, Renee Price, Anna Richards) <br /> 10 3 votes cast for Sally Greene (Jamezetta Bedford, Sally Greene, Jean Hamilton) <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Earl McKee became the new Vice Chair of the Board of Commissioners. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Chair Bedford chose to have the Commissioners share announcements or comments at <br /> 15 this point in the agenda. <br /> 16 Commissioner Richards said she attended the Justice Advisory Council where they <br /> 17 received a presentation on the mental health system and the process for voluntary and involuntary <br /> 18 commitment. She said it underscored how much the county needs a diversion facility. <br /> 19 Commissioner Price expressed thanks to the Board for the opportunity to serve as the <br /> 20 Chair for two years. She expressed special thanks to Chair Bedford for serving as Vice Chair <br /> 21 with her. She said she attended the Hillsborough holiday parade on the previous day and there <br /> 22 were many people in attendance. <br /> 23 Vice Chair McKee said in the previous week he had the opportunity to speak at the <br /> 24 Voluntary Agricultural Breakfast. He said the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) program has <br /> 25 been in place for 30 years and has enrolled about 17,000-plus acres. He thanked the Board for <br /> 26 electing him as Vice Chair. He thanked Commissioner Greene for choosing to run for Vice Chair <br /> 27 of the Board, and said that a split-vote is an indication of the strength and depth of leadership on <br /> 28 the Board. <br /> 29 Commissioner Hamilton echoed Vice Chair McKee's comments that a split-vote is a sign <br /> 30 of the Board's strength and that the Board works well together. She said she looks forward to the <br /> 31 leadership of Chair Bedford and Vice Chair McKee to improve the functioning of the Board and to <br /> 32 serve the residents of Orange County to the best of their ability. <br /> 33 Commissioner Greene expressed congratulations to Chair Bedford and Vice Chair <br /> 34 McKee. She said she attended the NCACC legislative meeting and introduced the five priorities <br /> 35 that the Board had previously discussed. She said the NCACC chose three priorities: digital <br /> 36 infrastructure, school capital funding, and Medicaid expansion. She said there was a lot of <br /> 37 discussion on one of the Board's priorities, racial equity and criminal justice, which ultimately was <br /> 38 not on the final list of priorities. She said that each member county of NCACC gets one vote, and <br /> 39 this was a reminder of the rural bias of the organization. <br /> 40 Commissioner Fowler said she attended the Justice United meeting on November 17th <br /> 41 where the need for increase mental health services for the Latinx community was highlighted. <br /> 42 She said at the December 1 sl Alliance meeting, it was determined that the go-live date for tailored <br /> 43 plans was on April 1, 2023. She said that because of the date change, she can continue to serve <br /> 44 on the Alliance board until February. She said that later in the agenda the Board was to discuss <br /> 45 replacing her on the Alliance board due to a potential conflict of interest, but the date change <br /> 46 meant that the Board would not need to make the decision until a future business meeting. She <br /> 47 said that Alliance held town hall meetings in each county to discuss the tailored plans, and that <br /> 48 Orange County had the highest turnout. She said at the December 2nd JCPC meeting, they <br /> 49 reviewed the survey completed by youth being served by the court system in order to prioritize <br /> 50 programming needs. She said an RFP will go out on January 911. She wished Commissioner <br /> 51 Price well in her future position in the NC House of Representatives, and she hoped that <br />