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14 <br /> 1 Slide #14 <br /> r -I <br /> Questions <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Commissioner Hamilton thanked Lisa DeCiantis for the presentation. She said she is a <br /> 4 mental health counselor, and said she will share this information with her clients. She said it would <br /> 5 also be great to have a video with actors to show what may happen when you call 988. <br /> 6 Lisa DeCiantis said there is that available on YouTube for folks. She also explained what <br /> 7 will happen if someone calls. She said there will be two options, and the call will then be <br /> 8 transferred based on the phone number they are calling from (this can be problematic, but is being <br /> 9 worked on—trials on routing calls based on cell tower). <br /> 10 Commissioner Hamilton asked if callers are prompted to provide their location. <br /> 11 Lisa DeCiantis said yes, but all call centers are trained to assist no matter where the caller <br /> 12 is located. <br /> 13 Chair Price said once the crisis counselor is aware of the location, they can transfer to the <br /> 14 correct location/services. <br /> 15 Lisa DeCiantis said yes. <br /> 16 Commissioner Bedford asked about callers who don't speak English or Spanish. <br /> 17 Lisa DeCiantis said there is a translation line available for people. She said that chat and <br /> 18 text is currently only in English, but they are working federally on other language options. <br /> 19 Commissioner McKee asked what determines whether 911 is contacted with or without <br /> 20 permission from the caller. <br /> 21 Lisa DeCiantis said one person stays on the phone, while the other person calls 911. She <br /> 22 said they stay on the line until they get confirmation help as arrived. She said the trigger point is <br /> 23 different for each caller. She said if someone has already harmed themselves, that will trigger a <br /> 24 911 response, or if someone has weapons and is not willing to put them away that would also <br /> 25 result in a 911 call. <br /> 26 Chair Price thanked them for their work. She said this is such a needed service and trying <br /> 27 to remember an 800 number was hard. Chair Price said she thinks Commissioner Hamilton had <br /> 28 a great idea with the demonstration video. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 <br /> 31 <br />