Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 56 of SAPFO that requires it, the towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough does not. It was added to the subdivision <br /> 57 regulations well after the other SAPFO provision were put in there. It was part of a large subdivision regulation package <br /> 58 and wasn't really spoken to on why it was added. <br /> 59 <br /> 60 Lamar Proctor: I think the underlying issue is Mebane not being part of the MOU for SAPFO and CAPS and our local <br /> 61 government doesn't get notice of those kids until they hit the schools that you are telling me that staff does pay some <br /> 62 attention to but those things have to get approved by Mebane. <br /> 63 <br /> 64 Tyler Sliger presented a PowerPoint presentation and gave an overview of the proposed text amendment. <br /> 65 <br /> 66 MOTION By Randy Marshall to approve Attachment 2, Statement of Approval and Consistency of the proposed UDO <br /> 67 text amendments with adopted Orange County plans. The Board recommends approval of the proposed text <br /> 68 amendment and issues this Statement of Consistency requirement of UDO Section 2.8 has been met. The amendment <br /> 69 is consistent with the 2030 Orange County Comprehensive Plan. The amendment is consistent the applicable plan <br /> 70 because it supports the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Goal 6, A land use planning process that is transparent, fair, <br /> 71 open and responsive. <br /> 72 MOTION PASSED 8—1 (PROCTOR) <br /> 73 <br /> 74 Lamar Proctor: My concerns about notice requirements to the school board for the aggressive growth of Mebane and <br /> 75 Western Orange County and not being part of the MOU. <br />