Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> STATEMENT OF APPROVAL AND CONSISTENCY OF <br /> A PROPOSED UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT WITH <br /> ADOPTED ORANGE COUNTY PLANS <br /> Orange County has initiated an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to <br /> revise its requirements for Efficiency Apartments. <br /> The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the proposed text amendment and <br /> issues this Statement of Consistency pursuant to NC GS § 160D-605(a) Governing Board <br /> Statement. The Board of County Commissioners finds: <br /> 1. The requirements of UDO Section 2.8 Zoning Atlas and Unified Development <br /> Ordinance Amendments, including review by the Development Advisory Committee <br /> (DAC), as required in UDO Section 1.9, have been met; <br /> 2. The amendment is consistent with the adopted 2030 Orange County Comprehensive Plan, <br /> as prescribed by UDO Section 1.1.5 Statement of Intent—Amendments and Section 1.1.7 <br /> Conformance with Adopted Plans; <br /> 3. The amendment supports the following goals in the plan: <br /> a. Housing Element Goal 1: A wide range of types and densities of quality housing <br /> affordable to all in all parts of the County. <br /> b. Housing Element Objective H-1.6: Promote innovative approaches to housing <br /> that are responsive to the needs of Orange County, maintain quality and human <br /> scale, increase energy efficiency, and reduce construction and maintenance costs. <br /> c. Housing Element Goal 4: Development ordinances and incentives that promote <br /> inclusionary practices and housing options for all income levels. <br /> d. Housing Element Objective H-4.1: Continue to permit HUD code-compliant <br /> manufactured housing as a form of affordable housing in the County. <br /> e. Housing Element Objective LU-4.1: Support the use of individual manufactured <br /> housing units as a useful housing resource in the County by increasing the <br /> opportunities where these units can locate by-right. <br /> f. Housing Element Objective H-4.2: Expand assistance for elderly households <br /> that have difficulty affording their home property tax. <br /> g. Housing Element Objective LU-4.4: Encourage the provision of a range of <br /> affordable and suitable low and moderate income housing by means of <br />