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4 <br /> Winter Update and Barriers to Outcome Measures <br /> This update represents an iteration on that first presentation, with improvements made to address <br /> internal and external feedback. For the public audience,the pages were reformatted to provide more detail. <br /> This allowed for better labeling of chart axis and legends, as well as more meaningful description of why each <br /> goal is important. It also allowed for each goal to be more visibly connected to specific Board Goals and Social <br /> Justice Goals.This aspect will become more important after the completion of the Strategic Plan, where the <br /> board will identify new goals. <br /> The Budget Office is also presenting a stand-alone SMART Goal document separate from the annual <br /> budget process.This allows departments and the Budget Office more time to have thoughtful and meaningful <br /> discussions about SMART goals and how they impacted the community.The Budget Office also targeted <br /> departments in the Human Services and Public Safety functions for further in depth discussion.Analysts worked <br /> with those departments to confirm that goals had valid tracking systems,that goal targets matched external <br /> standards, and that the goals tracked success in the program. <br /> The major objective of the deep dive with Human Services and Public Safety departments was to push <br /> departments to tracking outcome measures- how the actions of the program effect the community- rather <br /> than output measures- how many actions the program undertook. In many cases, departments in these <br /> functions have new goals that better demonstrate how their programs impact the community. However,there <br /> are often roadblocks that prevent departments from tracking outcome measures. In these conversations,three <br /> roadblocks have been consistently identified: <br /> Outcome measures require significant time and energy to track. <br /> • This time or energy investment will cause programs to reduce how many clients they can serve in <br /> exchange for tracking outcome measures. Many of these programs already have output measures that <br /> they are required to track for state and grant reporting purposes. Some departments are investigating <br /> creating satisfaction surveys to efficiently track outcomes. <br /> Departments can only measure the clients they are already reaching. <br /> • Departments such as the Department on Aging and the Library Services Department have goals related <br /> to reaching underrepresented members of the community. In both of those cases,the department has <br /> the ability to track the community members that are already engaging in their programing. They do not <br /> have the same ability to measure the communities that they are not reaching. Looking forward,the <br /> Strategic Planning process should provide more opportunities to track the broader community; both <br /> through engaged focus groups, and a statistically valid community survey. <br /> Outcome measures can reflect variables that are outside of the department's ability to control. <br /> • When departments are able to track outcome measures,the success of that goal will reflect not just <br /> program's work, but also general environmental factors. For example, the Housing Department tracks <br /> outcome measures related to the affordability of housing, and the department's ability to bring <br /> members out of homelessness and into housing.Those goals are able to reflect the impact the <br /> department has made, but they are also significantly impacted by the housing market, the economy, <br /> landlord decisions and zoning regulations.A strong performance management system is designed to <br /> empower departments to track these types of outcome measures, especially when environmental <br /> factors put success out of reach. <br /> Strategic Plan and Future Goals <br /> Though not to the extent Covid-19 completely upended the first planned release of SMART Goals in <br /> 2020,the upcoming Strategic Planning process will cause a major reset to this version of the performance <br /> management system. The board will identify new goals and priorities,the county will go through an <br /> 4 <br />