Orange County NC Website
15 <br />From: Jo Take <br />To:,, ncglovecOCMAIL.OCMAIL, <br />Date: 7/2/03 2:31 PM <br />Subject: Re: Appointments on 6/23 by BOCC to Visitors Bureau <br />Nancy, <br />Thanks for the information. Regarding your questions fof terms expiring as of 12/31/03, the following is <br />what I know at this point. <br />(1) Pat Evans - I'm unsure whether or not she'll be reappointed. Her Council is up for reelection and she <br />has not indicated whether or not she'll run again. <br />(2) Nancy Davis/UNC's seat - Nancy has been informed and her office will coordinate with the Chancellor <br />for a recommended replacement. <br />Gk (3) Creston Woods/Orange County Lodging Seat #1 - The Association is aware of the term nding and <br />working on a recommended aooointment for consideration. ? YIG SherpesbtAy _ <br />i .,.f..G,., A? cent 49 - Th. nr. 1 nrininn Actin in ts Mr Mters to be <br />OW <br />vote at its meeting an July 16th. <br />Committee has tapped him as <br />Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks, <br />Joe