Orange County NC Website
017005.7000\2564684.1 8 <br />3.Implementation Meetings and Trainings <br />SizeUp staff and Client will have the following meetings related to implementation of Services: <br />•Kickoff meeting (1 meeting, 1 hour, with SizeUp and Client) – This meeting starts the process of <br />implementing Services. Topics include, but are not limited to Introduction of team members, review of <br />implementation and marketing materials, discussion of timelines and scheduling of follow-up meetings, <br />review and walkthrough of Client’s Application, discussion of success criteria, and any additional <br />questions and answers. <br />•Training (1 meeting, 1 hour, with SizeUp and Client) – This meeting is designed for SizeUp to <br />train Client on the use of the SizeUp Services. In some cases, the Kickoff and Training meetings are <br />combined into one meeting. This meeting will include a demonstration and training of SizeUp on Client’s <br />web properties or hosted by SizeUp, followed by a Q&A session. <br />•Public Webinar (Optional) - Launch of the website to local businesses (1 meeting, 1 hour) – This <br />meeting is designed for SizeUp and Client to host a webinar to introduce and train local businesses about <br />the use of SizeUp Services. This meeting will follow the following format pre-webinar mic & audio check, <br />introductions, context setting, demo, Q&A, and additional demonstration scenarios as time permits, <br />followed by a wrap-up meeting and media availability. <br />•Implementation Review Meeting (1 meeting, 30 minutes, with SizeUp and Client) – This meeting <br />is designed to review the implementation and public launch of Services. Topics include, but are not <br />limited to, review of delivery by SizeUp team, review of implementation process, finalization of success <br />criteria for quarterly reviews. An anonymous survey will be sent to the Client’s team post-meeting for <br />additional feedback. <br />Client may schedule Additional Consulting Services as needed. <br />4. Project Geography <br />The geographic scope of the Services provided to Client will cover the geographic boundaries of Orange <br />County, North Carolina, which is an area with a population of no more than 150,000 people. <br />5. Additional Consulting Services <br />Except for Services identified above in this Exhibit A, any additional services requested, travel and time <br />(“Additional Consulting Services”) will be charged at a consulting fee rate of $150 per hour for staff, $275 <br />per hour for senior staff, or $395 per hour for Principals, plus expenses for calendar year 2022. A four (4) <br />hour minimum is required for consulting services. Time will be billed in hourly increments. Unused time <br />shall expire one-hundred-eighty days after approval of additional consulting services. Client shall make <br />any request for Additional Consulting Services in writing and the parties shall agree to such additional <br />services in writing (including by e-mail) prior to performance of the Additional Consulting Services. The <br />hourly rate for service is subject to change, in which case client shall be notified and approve of change <br />before work is performed by SizeUp. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: EC5EFAEF-2401-4C60-8F93-CF3CF6CC7702