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9 <br /> <br />said that transportation is an issue and that having income would be a part of the solution. She <br />said that she is glad the community voices are included but knowing where they are would have <br />been helpful. She said that for example, Rogers Road didn’t have a bus for years and they <br />knew this was an issue. She said that she is looking for solutions like that. She said that she is <br />concerned about the rural areas. She said that she is perplexed that the priority would be on the <br />more densely populated areas and there is a lot of hunger in the rural areas of the county. She <br />said that people have trouble accessing food and that it is important to note that hungry people <br />are across the county and even into the schools. <br /> Ashley Heger said she did not mean to suggest that rural areas are better off. She said <br />she thought more could be done in the rural areas. She said that engaging rural communities <br />is an important part of it. <br /> Chair Price said she would like to see steps that are specific to Orange County. She <br />said from a teaching perspective the report is helpful but that they need suggestions for specific <br />actions. <br /> Ashley Heger said that the intended plan for the spring is to have farmers be part of the <br />conversation. She said that farmers want to think of creative ways to help provide food and <br />they are working with farmers to support their ideas. She said this is not the end and the Food <br />Council will have convenings with farmers and food providers. <br /> Chair Price said she thought they were working with them initially. <br /> Ashley Heger said that they have relied on relationships that came out of the black <br />farmer think tank. She said that half of the farmers are in the Cedar Grove area. <br /> Chair Price asked if they were working with them initially. <br /> Ashley Heger said they are trying to come up with creative solutions based on what <br />came out of Anatov and being a part of it initially. She said the community assessment did not <br />involve any farmers. She said none of the community experts would call themselves farmers. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the report is the voice of community experts in the subject of <br />community access. She said this represents communities and it did not occur to her at all that <br />experts only lived in Chapel Hill. She said she appreciated the humility it engendered in herself <br />when she read the report. She said it was important to hear the voices. She said that she <br />learned the importance of terminology when discussing food insecurity, such as the difference <br />between food deserts and food apartheid. She said that words do matter and the food <br />insecurity is not a naturally created phenomenon and it is important to note that. She said she <br />appreciates the work that Ashley Heger has done. <br /> Chair Price said she hoped in the next phase there are more actionable items and it is <br />more inclusive. She said she understood that getting it out to more people, there will be greater <br />representation. She said that there is value in the report. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that on the Instacart idea, there is an app that is being used <br />to manage food stamps and she took that idea to a local Orange County entrepreneur and it is <br />not an outrageous idea to think of an app that could be created as a county service. <br /> Ashley Heger said that they do feel the recommendations are actionable and relevant to <br />Orange County. She said there are multiple generations and levels of expertise. She said we <br />now have expert feedback from the community. She said that this work is never done, we can <br />always do better. She asked them to support the Food Council and set them up to do more <br />work. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked about the authority of the county to negotiate with <br />developers. <br /> Commissioner Greene said there are policies in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. She said <br />when there is a zoning request, the Town of Chapel Hill says that affordable housing has to be <br />part of the development.