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14 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said they do want recommendations, but it should be clear that <br />it is a recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said when they had the Human Rights Commission, it feels like <br />a clique can form if the same people are picking the same people. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton agreed and said that she is saying the same thing. <br /> Chair Price said that one reason they increased the discussion of appointees was to <br />increase the diversity of the boards. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said on page 84 it says that the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners may elect to interview applicants for certain advisory boards. She said that <br />OWASA is not an advisory board, but they do appoint two representatives to the Board. She <br />asked if they are allowed to be interviewed. <br /> Tara May said that OWASA is not a board that the policy would apply to. She said she is <br />unsure if OWASA’s policy would allow for that. <br /> James Bryan said that for boards that aren’t created by the county, they would be under <br />the jurisdiction of the rules for that entity. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said that for the OWASA board she feels that they should have <br />a more in-depth background process with them. <br /> Chair Price asked why. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said they have very good people now. She said that one was on <br />the Commission for the Environment that did not work out even though she spoke to them to <br />figure out what they were qualified for. She said she must not have been asking the right <br />questions. She said that it’s a really important board and that the application could be changed, <br />and the commissioners could consider interviewing them. <br /> Commissioner Greene said prior to the current form, OWASA had a specific form. She <br />said that Chapel Hill sets up a subcommittee to interview their OWASA applicants. <br /> Chair Price said that with the Planning Board, commissioners might call up the <br />applicants and speak with them. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if Tara May could check with other communities on what <br />their application and process is for OWASA Board Members. <br /> Chair Price said that OWASA is not included in this policy but that she could still request <br />information about the other jurisdictional processes. <br /> Chair Price asked if some boards still have 2–3-year terms. <br /> Tara May said that was existing but moved to under the “Term” section. She said the <br />Adult Care Home Advisory Committee is separate, and has different terms and is different from <br />advisory boards. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked about the partial term appointment language. <br /> Tara May said that is existing language and had not been amended. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked for clarification because she thought they had appointed <br />people to partial terms and indicated that they would still be available for two full term <br />appointments. <br /> Tara May said that if she is referring to the Opioid Committee, the actual date of the <br />term of their appointment falls within the existing language and is less than 12 months for the <br />initial partial term appointment. <br /> Chair Price asked when this would be voted upon. <br /> Tara May said a meeting in December <br /> Chair Price asked if it could come back on a consent agenda. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she supported the suggested changes and would support it <br />next week. <br /> Commissioner Greene agreed with Commissioner Bedford. <br />