Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> <br />3. Periodic Review of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Advisory <br />Board Policy <br />The Board conducted a review of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Advisory <br />Board Policy (Advisory Board Policy). <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: The Advisory Board Policy was adopted February 21, 2012, and included a <br />provision that the Board of Commissioners would conduct a periodic review of the policy every <br />five (5) years. While various portions of the Advisory Board Policy have been amended since <br />that time based on staff recommendations, a full review and discussion of the policy has not <br />been conducted by the Board. <br /> <br />The current version of the Advisory Board Policy is included as Attachment A. <br /> <br />Attachment B includes suggested amendments by Clerk’s Office staff. Noteworthy suggestions <br />include: <br /> Changing the periodic review period from every five (5) to every two (2) years. <br /> Updating the list of boards and commissions to which the policy applies. <br /> Clarifying the role of recommendations received from advisory boards. <br /> Removing the ability of an advisory board member to continue serving one year past <br />their term expiration date. <br /> Requiring a majority vote by the Board to remove an advisory board member. <br /> Removing reference to unexcused absences related to attendance requirements of <br />advisory board members. <br /> Allowing remote meetings of advisory boards subject to this policy at all times, not only <br />during a declared State of Emergency. <br /> <br />Attachment C includes information on all of the boards to which the Board of Commissioners <br />makes appointments, including the type of board, board descriptions, composition <br />requirements, any special appointment or recommendation requirements, term lengths and <br />limits, and the relevant policies. <br /> <br /> Deputy Clerk to the Board Tara May introduced the item and reviewed information in the <br />abstract. <br /> Commissioner Bedford noted that she had found a few typos in the policy. <br /> Tara May reviewed one of the typos for the Board: <br /> Page 21, section 4(b), the end of the sentence should read “advisory boards” instead of <br />“Orange County Board of Commissioners.” <br /> Commissioner Richards said she appreciated the suggested amendments but that she <br />is trying to figure out the role of recommendations from the advisory boards. She said she has <br />spoken with advisory board members that believe they have the final say. She said she thinks <br />it is important for them to be very clear on this. <br /> Chair Price said the Board should decide what their preference is. She said it has <br />changed over the years. <br /> Commissioner Richards said it is not just people or members, but any recommendation <br />that comes out of an advisory board. She said there should be clarity. <br /> Chair Price said their role is to advise. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said it is a recommendation, but that the Board has the <br />accountability for it. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said that is helpful.