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40 <br /> IX. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN <br /> A. Introduction <br /> Effective public involvement is a key element in addressing Title VI in decision-making. This Public <br /> Participation Plan describes how OCTS will disseminate vital agency information and engage the public. <br /> We will seek out and consider the input and needs of interested parties and groups traditionally <br /> underserved by transportation systems who may face challenges accessing our services,such as minority <br /> and limited English proficient (LEP) persons. Underlying these efforts is our commitment to determining <br /> the most effective outreach methods for a given project or population. <br /> General public involvement practices will include: <br /> • Expanding traditional outreach methods.Think outside the box:Go to hair salons, barbershops,street <br /> fairs, etc. <br /> • Providing for early,frequent and continuous engagement by the public. <br /> • Use of social media and other resources as a way to gain public involvement. <br /> • Coordinating with community- and faith-based organizations such as the Hispanic Liaison, <br /> educational institutions, and other entities to implement public engagement strategies that reach <br /> out specifically to members of affected minority and/or LEP communities. <br /> • Providing opportunities for public participation through means other than written communication, <br /> such as personal interviews or use of audio or video recording devices to capture oral comments. <br /> • Considering radio, television, or newspaper ads on stations and in publications that serve LEP <br /> populations. Outreach to LEP persons could also include audio programming available on podcasts. <br /> B. Public Notification <br /> Passengers and other interested persons will be informed of their rights under Title VI and related <br /> authorities about our program. The primary means of achieving this will be posting and disseminating <br /> the policy statement and notice as stipulated in Sections 3.0 and 4.0, respectively. Additional measures <br /> may include verbally announcing our obligations and the public's rights at meetings, placing flyers at <br /> places frequented by targeted populations, and an equal opportunity tag-on at the end of radio <br /> announcements. The method of notification will be determined through an initial screening of the area. <br /> C. Dissemination of Information <br /> Information on Title VI and other programs will be crafted and disseminated to employees, contractors <br /> and subrecipients,stakeholders,and the general public. Public dissemination efforts may vary depending <br /> on factors present, but will generally include: posting public statements setting forth our <br /> nondiscrimination policy in eye-catching designs and locations; placing brochures in public places, such <br /> as government offices, transit facilities, and libraries; having nondiscrimination language within <br /> contracts; including nondiscrimination notices in meeting announcements and handouts; and displaying <br /> our Notice of Nondiscrimination at all our public meetings. <br /> At a minimum, nondiscrimination information will be disseminated on our website and on posters in <br /> conspicuous areas at our office(s). Project-related information and our most current Title VI-related <br /> information will be maintained online. <br />