Agenda - 12-13-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 12-13-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda - 12-13-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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12/8/2022 2:54:35 PM
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12/8/2022 2:11:38 PM
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Agenda - 12-13-2022; Agenda for December 13, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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2 <br /> 1 reports that things are generally on schedule. She said if anyone has questions about whether or <br /> 2 not their address will be served with broadband, they should reach out to the County, who will <br /> 3 direct them to Lumos for verification. <br /> 4 Commissioner Hamilton had no comments. <br /> 5 Commissioner Bedford said she was also at the Behavioral Health Task Force meeting, <br /> 6 and noted Commissioner Greene was on the Zoom meeting as well. She reminded Orange <br /> 7 County voters that early voting runs through Friday from 8:00 am-7:30 pm, and Saturday is the <br /> 8 last day for early voting from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. She said if voters wait to vote on Election Day, <br /> 9 they will have to vote at their assigned precinct, which they can find under "Elections" on the <br /> 10 county website. She also noted that people must already be registered to vote in order to vote on <br /> 11 Election Day, and that today was the last day to request an absentee ballot. <br /> 12 Commissioner McKee had no comments. <br /> 13 Commissioner Richards said November is Family Caregiver Month. She said the <br /> 14 Department on Aging will be recognized this later this month. She said there are many people <br /> 15 with aging parents or who care for young people, and there are sessions on the Department on <br /> 16 Aging website to remind caregivers to care for themselves. She said she was absent from the last <br /> 17 week's meeting while she attended the Inter-city Visit. She said they went to Winston-Salem to <br /> 18 the innovation center, then to Asheville. She said she will try to consolidate her notes from the trip <br /> 19 at some point to share with the Board. She said she was happy to be joined by Travis Myren, the <br /> 20 new Planning Director, Cy Stober, and other Planning staff. She said it was eye-opening that <br /> 21 many jurisdictions are facing similar challenges and see how they are handling them. <br /> 22 Chair Price said the SHARP Direct Care Workers Awards will be at the Seymour Center <br /> 23 on Thursday at 4:30 pm. She noted that Todd McGee, Community Relations Director, sent out a <br /> 24 notice that deer hunting in the northern part of the county begins November 12-January 2. She <br /> 25 said there are usually complaints from residents around this time, so she wants people to be <br /> 26 informed. She said there is more information on the county's website. She also said the Board <br /> 27 was sent PowerPoints for several items this evening, which are at their places. <br /> 28 Chair Price asked for volunteers from the Board to serve on the Strategic Plan Selection <br /> 29 Panel. <br /> 30 Commissioner Fowler, Commissioner Bedford, and Commissioner Richards volunteered. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> 33 appoint Commissioner Fowler, Commissioner Bedford, and Commissioner Richards to serve on <br /> 34 the Strategic Plan Selection Panel. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 37 <br /> 38 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> 39 <br /> 40 a. Proclamation Recognizing Mike Smith, Dean of UNC School of Government <br /> 41 The Board approved a proclamation recognizing Mike Smith, Dean of the School of Government <br /> 42 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 BACKGROUND: Mike Smith has led the UNC School of Government for 30 years. Smith has <br /> 45 been a member of the School of Government faculty — originally the Institute of Government — <br /> 46 since 1978 and was named director in 1992. When the Institute became known as the School of <br /> 47 Government in 2001, Smith was named dean. As one of the longest-serving deans in Carolina's <br /> 48 modern history, Smith expanded the School's capacity in the fields of management and leadership, <br /> 49 finance, and administration. Under his leadership, the School became the largest and most <br /> 50 comprehensive university-based local government training, advisory, and research organization in <br /> 51 the United States. Smith is a champion of the School's core values of neutrality, non-advocacy, <br />
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