Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> October 26,2022 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance the quality <br /> of life, promote the health, and preserve the environment for all people in the Orange County <br /> community. <br /> THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MET ON October 26, 2022, at the Orange <br /> County Health Department, 300 West Tryon Street, Hillsborough, NC. <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Baldwin, Chair; Keith Bagby*, Vice Chair; <br /> Brian Crandell; Commissioner Jean Hamilton; Aparna Jonnal; Allessandra Lowery; Lee Pickett, <br /> and Tony Whitaker. <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS ABSENT: Shielda Rodgers and Alison Stuebe. <br /> STAFF PRESENT: Quintana Stewart, Health Director; Dana Crews, Community Health <br /> Services Director; Micah Guindon, Financial and Administrative Services Director; Victoria <br /> Hudson, Environmental Health Director; Carla Julian, Compliance Manager; Kristin Prelipp, <br /> Communications Manager; Thomas Privott, Environmental Health Supervisor; and La Toya <br /> Strange, Administrative Support I. <br /> GUESTS/VISITORS PRESENT: Olivia Brown, Jade Peterson, Rachel Royce, and Lars <br /> Sheridan. <br /> I. Welcome <br /> Dr. Bruce Baldwin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. He reminded the Board that <br /> their signature is required on the sign in sheet for tonight's training. Quintana Stewart, Health <br /> Director, introduced the new employees in attendance: Briana Emmendorfer and Marcy <br /> Williams. <br /> II. Public Comment for Items NOT on Printed Agenda: None. <br /> III. Approval of the October 26, 2022 Agenda <br /> Motion was made by Dr. Aparna Jonnal to approve the agenda, seconded by Dr. Lee <br /> Pickett and carried without dissent. <br /> IV. Action Items (Consent) <br /> A. Minutes of September 21, 2022 <br /> B. Minutes of October 14, 2022 <br /> Motion to approve the minutes of September 21sr and October 14', 2022 meetings was <br /> made by Dr. Aparna Jonnal, seconded by Tony Whitaker and carried without dissent. <br /> V. Educational Sessions <br /> A. NCIPH BOH Trainings <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> October Page 1 <br />