Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> <br />2. Training – ISO Ratings (County-Wide Public Safety Training Facility Needs, Logistics, and <br />Cost Analysis) <br />The departments will provide an update on recent changes to departmental ISO ratings and <br />discuss the continuing need for a public safety training facility. <br /> <br />Slide #16 <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe said that all departments in the county have been inspected for ISO <br />rastings within the last 10 years. He was asked to explain the ISO rankings. He said that if you <br />have a residential insurance policy there is a risk factor score assigned to you based on where <br />you are in regards to a fire station and fire safety infrastructure or water sources. He said the <br />Department of Insurance comes in and tests the department, including the 911 center. He said <br />they also grade the water system and how much water is available at a particular property. He <br />said they have tanker trucks to haul water into the rural districts. He said they look at many factors <br />and those components go into the insurance system and that produces the risk factor. He said <br />that the risk factor controls the premium for home and business insurance. He said a 1 is the best <br />and a 10 means the property is unprotected. He said Efland has the highest ISO rating in the <br />county at 3. He said that Efland’s rating is a testament to the hardwork of the people that are in <br />this room. He said there is also another test called the Class Nine that the state still uses to rate <br />and that unfortunately, those two tests sometimes disagree with one another. He said that <br />requires them to meet multiple checklists. He said the departments in Orange County are in a <br />good place with the fire taxes and the insurance premiums. <br /> Chair Price said since she has been on the Board, some areas have improved. <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe said that insurance carriers say there is no difference between a 1 and 5 <br />for a standard single family home. <br /> Chief Nasseri said since 2005, every department has improved to at least a 7 or better. <br />He said every cycle, departments have maintained or improved scores for residents. He said the <br />benchmarks on the tests are constantly changing as well.