Minutes 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Fire Department
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Fire Department
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12/6/2022 11:18:16 AM
Creation date
12/6/2022 11:14:12 AM
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Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 10 - Advisory Board on Aging – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 11 - Animal Services Advisory Board – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 12 - Board of Health – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 13 - Carrboro Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 14 - Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau Advisory Board – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 15 - Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 1-6 - Joint Meeting – Board of County Commissioners and the Orange County Chiefs’ Association
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 16 - Orange County Housing Authority Board – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 17 - Orange Unified Transportation Board - Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 7 - Emergency Preparedness – Roles, Responsibilities, and Plans
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 8 - Opioid Advisory Committee – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda - 10-25-2022; 9 - Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda for October 25, 2022 Joint Meeting with Chiefs’ Association and Regular Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2022\Agenda - 10-25-2022 Joint Meeting with the Orange County Chiefs' Association and Work Session
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12 <br /> <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe said they often are stuck in mud, which creates a suction, or fall through <br />a sink hole. He said that cows get stuck in the mud in the summer. He said there are also horse <br />carriers on the interstate. <br /> Chief Nasseri said there are also llamas and alpacas so it is widely encompassing. <br /> Kirby Saunders, Emergency Services Director said it all comes back to safety. He said <br />while they are all animal lovers, it’s really about helping people who would otherwise put <br />themselves in harm’s way to try to save the animal themselves. He said these are low frequency, <br />but extremely high risk situations. He said this is an efficient and professional approach to share <br />this effort and expertise. <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe said one of the hardest things we do is look around the world and try to <br />prepare to solve it in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner McKee congratulated the departments and commended them on the <br />increase in collaboration between the departments. He said he thinks the trench team is going to <br />be more and more critical. He said that he watched a 200 x 11 trench cave in on itself. He said <br />there was no one in it and it became obvious that it was unstable and then the wall just shelled <br />off. <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe said the land that can be built upon in Orange County is becoming less <br />available, so there will be development on land that there otherwise would not have been and that <br />may increase the need for trench rescues. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there is no way to know because it went from stable material <br />to unstable material pretty quickly. He said that a contractor would ignore the 5ft rule until a <br />supervisor or inspector showed up. He said that those people were in jeopardy during that time. <br /> Chief Nasseri said awhile back there were discussions about an RFP for a training facility, <br />but now they have a grant they are still using. He said it would be nice to revisit that at some point <br />but that the facility could be pushed back. <br /> Elizabeth Farnan, Fire Marshal, said that Orange Rural had a building they were using in <br />Hillsbrough that was shared with several law enforcement as well. She said that it was good, but <br />wasn’t permitted for that use, so they could no longer use it as the building became more <br />dangerous. She said she hopes they revisit doing a training facility because it is very much <br />needed. She said they have nowhere to train and not being able to use the building took away a <br />lot of training from the whole emergency response system in the county. <br /> <br />4. Budget Planning – Vehicle and Equipment Delays and Inflation <br />The departments will provide an overview of vehicle and equipment delays as well as budget <br />impacts resulting from inflation. <br /> <br />Slide #21 <br />
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