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14 <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that the department is now called the Office of Equity and <br /> Inclusion and that staff could attend. She said that it would be appropriate for the similar offices <br /> in the school districts to attend. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she agrees with student government representatives. <br /> Chair Price asked if it would be one or two from each school district. <br /> Commissioner McKee expressed concern that the task force would be heavily weighted <br /> towards the schools if four student positions were added. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked for clarification. <br /> Commissioner McKee said two students from each school district would be eight <br /> representatives. He said that he prefers one from each school. He said that the commissioners <br /> would appoint 6 of the positions on the task force. He felt that it would be a fairer weighting of the <br /> positions. <br /> Commissioner Fowler suggested one student and an alternate in case the student could <br /> not attend a meeting. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said that having students could provide a diversity of views on <br /> the task force. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that this commission will only be appointing six positions <br /> because the schools will select their representatives. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she understood Commissioner McKee's concerns. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that student views are very important and that often their <br /> voices are not heard. She felt that having two students from each district were important. <br /> Commissioner Bedford suggested adding an At-Large appointment to give a broader <br /> community base. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the shooting task force had only 8-10 members and was <br /> not weighted toward any group. He said this would have four students and four school <br /> representatives and being that this request came from the schools, it would be heavily weighted <br /> toward the schools. He said that having a lot of members gets unwieldy. He said that having a <br /> large group can create an environment where coalitions form. <br /> Chair Price said that students from both districts would represent diversity in voices. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would not suggest making the task force smaller than what <br /> is proposed. He said he is concerned about the task force getting too large. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if the Board would consider holding the conversation on <br /> the composition until a charge is created. She said the charge could inform the composition of <br /> the task force. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said that there might not be recommendations but hopefully so. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the task force will follow that they will make an agreement <br /> on the recommendation based on their guidelines about how decisions were made. <br /> Chair Price asked if representatives from the Office of Equity and Inclusion or Juvenile <br /> Courts were needed on the task force. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus that representation from those departments was not <br /> needed. <br /> Chair Price noted that they do not have a draft charge. She asked if rather than trying to <br /> compose it at the meeting, if two commissioners would like to draft it. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton and Commissioner McKee said they would work together to draft <br /> a charge and come back at a later meeting for the Board to vote on. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked for information about the timeline. She said she would <br /> want to see recommendations by the end of the current school year. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she would want there to be a facilitator <br />