Orange County NC Website
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioner of Orange County that the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br />Section 1: Add a new section 8.8.30 to read as follows: <br />8.8.30 Schools: Elementary Middle and Secondary (Class A Special <br />Use <br />Additional Information <br />In addition to the information required in 8.2, 8.6 and 8.8, the following <br />information shall be submitted as part of the application: <br />a. Twenty-six copies of the site plan prepared in accordance with Article <br />XIV (Section 14.1 et seq.) of the Zoning Ordinance and with the <br />following additional information shown on the plan: <br />1. Total student capacity of school as designed <br />2. Total number of employees at time of greatest shift <br />3. Number and dimensions of designated parking spaces for <br />school buses <br />4. Number of designated parking spaces for employees <br />5. Number of visitor parking spaces <br />6. Number of student parking spaces <br />7. Location of student drop off points with stacking spaces <br />identified <br />8. Location of all proposed and future athletic fields and <br />structures <br />a.. Total number of seats for spectators <br />b. Location of concession stands, if any anticipated <br />9. Proposed public roadway improvements <br />10. Existing and proposed infrastructure improvements (water and <br />sewer) <br />b. Twenty-six copies of Landscape Plans showing the locations of <br />existing vegetation, areas proposed for preservation as well as plants <br />and materials for proposed planting areas. <br />c. Twenty-six copies of photometric plans in accordance with the Section <br />6.31, entitled Outdoor Lighting Standards. <br />d. Estimated water usage for structures, landscaping and athletic fields.