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19 <br /> 1 chosen but the expertise is necessary. She said the community engagement part will take a <br /> 2 significant amount of time. <br /> 3 Commissioner Richards said that will be very important and said that Bonnie <br /> 4 Hammersley's response addressed her concerns. <br /> 5 Bonnie Hammersley said that after the commitment in 2018, there was change in <br /> 6 leadership in positions and that is why it never took off. <br /> 7 Steve Arndt said there is a proposed schedule of community engagement in the packet <br /> 8 and a lot of work will occur. <br /> 9 Commissioner Fowler said she felt there was a good middle ground with the proposed <br /> 10 contract. She said that starting from scratch can result in a more extensive and expensive <br /> 11 process. She said she liked that there would be a dashboard to help the community follow the <br /> 12 county's progress. She said that this does not reinvent the wheel, but it does include the <br /> 13 community and the county's specific goals. <br /> 14 Commissioner Hamilton seconded the importance of the dashboard. She suggested that <br /> 15 this also be coordinated with the capital needs task force and strategic plan to meet the goals. <br /> 16 Commissioner McKee said that he supported the proposal. He said there was one line in <br /> 17 the abstract that gave him pause: "Transition to a 100% renewable energy based economy by <br /> 18 2050." <br /> 19 Chair Price said that was in a resolution that was previously passed by the Board. <br /> 20 Commissioner McKee said that to get to 100% renewable energy would be impossible <br /> 21 without the entire country going there. He said that would mean scrapping every fuel-using <br /> 22 machine. He said that he was comfortable with working towards a renewable energy-based <br /> 23 economy because he does not think it is possible to achieve 100% by 2050. <br /> 24 Chair Price said that Mr. Arndt is taking notes and that he can relay that. <br /> 25 Bonnie Hammersley said that is saying the plan will identify specific strategies that will <br /> 26 help and is included because of what the Board adopted previously. <br /> 27 Chair Price said that Steve Arndt was taking notes and would relay this information to the <br /> 28 consultant. <br /> 29 Commissioner Bedford said it would be helpful for the consultant to advise the county on <br /> 30 what is realistic to achieve. She said it was important for county departments to participate with <br /> 31 the consultant on the plan. <br /> 32 Bonnie Hammersley said there was an internal oversight group for the climate action plan. <br /> 33 Commissioner Greene said that she would like an update on the goal: "Reduce <br /> 34 greenhouse gas emissions community-wide by 26 percent by 2025 (from 2005 levels)." <br /> 35 Steve Arndt said he would provide an update to the Board. <br /> 36 Commissioner Hamilton said it would be helpful to have an explanation of why and when <br /> 37 decisions were made regarding county goals. <br /> 38 Bonnie Hammersley said she would provide the information <br /> 39 <br /> 40 A motion was made by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> 41 approve and authorize the Manager to sign a professional services contract with Blue Strike <br /> 42 Environmental Consulting to develop the Orange County Climate Action Plan, and approve <br /> 43 Budget Amendment#2-A appropriating $115,480 in fund balance to be transferred to the County <br /> 44 Capital Fund. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 47 <br /> 48 <br />