Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> D. Remote meetings <br /> 1. Advisory boards subject to this policy may meet remotely as authorized by the <br /> County Manager, except the Orange County Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, <br /> Board of Equalization and Review, and Animal Services Hearing Panel. <br /> 2. A remote meeting is an official meeting, or any part thereof, with a majority or all of <br /> the members of the advisory board participating by simultaneous communication. <br /> a. Simultaneous communication is any communication by conference <br /> telephone, conference video, or other electronic means. <br /> 3. Advisory Boards shall coordinate with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners to <br /> notify the public of the means by which the public may access the remote meetings. <br /> 4. If at any time during a remote meeting the number of members needed for a <br /> quorum is disrupted by a loss of simultaneous communication,the meeting will not <br /> continue until simultaneous communication is restored and if simultaneous <br /> communication cannot be restored, the meeting will be adjourned without further <br /> action. <br /> s-E.Notice of Meetings Generally <br /> 1. Notice of advisory board meetings,including public hearings and appeals if applicable, <br /> and agendas shall be made available to all members and interested parties, and to <br /> any person who requests such notice, at least ten (10)days in advance of the meeting <br /> by e-mail and by posting on the Orange County government website. <br /> 2. All applicable notice requirements established by North Carolina law shall be <br /> followed. <br /> 3. Prior to January 5th of each calendar year advisory boardsthe Beard shall carica <br /> schedule of its meetings to be bedpost their meeting schedules in a readily <br /> accessible location. Such schedule shall also be delivered to the Clerk to the Board of <br /> Commissioners for posting to the Orange County website. <br /> 4. in the event emergency declaFed by the—Chair of the Beard „� <br /> nA_t4c_-e A-f thp- rernete meeting(s) will be posted threugh the office ef the Clerk to the <br /> €-F.Agendas <br /> 1. Board members and/or staff members shall submit agenda items to the Chair and <br /> staff for consideration at least fifteen (15) days prior to a scheduled meeting. <br /> 2. The agenda must provide a description of each item of business to be transacted or <br /> discussed so that interested members of the public will be capable of understanding <br /> the nature of each agenda item. <br /> 3. As a general rule,only those items appearing on the agenda will be discussed or voted <br /> on. However, if an item is raised by a member of the public,the advisory board may <br /> accept public comment and discuss the item so long as no action is taken until a <br /> subsequent meeting. <br /> 4. With the Chair's agreement, the designated staff will develop and distribute to each <br /> member an agenda listing the matters to be considered at upcoming advisory board <br /> meetings. Also, so far as practicable, copies of all written reports that are to be <br /> 10 <br />