12.7.22 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
12.7.22 PB Agenda Packet
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11/30/2022 4:57:35 PM
Creation date
11/30/2022 4:54:32 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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11 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 221 <br /> 222 Randy Marshall: I completely agree with the notion that the applicant needs to defend his own project and the Planning <br /> 223 staff doesn't need to be there defending the applicant's project because I think that puts the focus, as you've said, on the <br /> 224 Planning staff and not on the applicant where it needs to be.That being said, I concur that there needs to be some <br /> 225 verification as to what happened at those Neighborhood Meetings either recording and/or a staff person present who <br /> 226 could answer questions if need be is just wise. If we could reword that to include it in this text amendment, I think that <br /> 227 would be preferable. <br /> 228 <br /> 229 Cy Stober: If there are other concerns, I am happy to address them otherwise I would request a vote to continue that to <br /> 230 the next meeting to address those concerns stated tonight. <br /> 231 <br /> 232 Beth Bronson:And prior to the Planning Board meeting being held. <br /> 233 <br /> 234 Cy Stober: We'll address that text change as well. <br /> 235 <br /> 236 MOTION BY Beth Bronson to continue this text amendment. Seconded by Statler Gilfillen. <br /> 237 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 238 <br /> 239 <br /> 240 AGENDA ITEM 8: ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT(CONVENTIONAL DISTRICT)—To review and make a recommendation to the <br /> 241 BOCC on an applicant-initiated zoning atlas amendment to rezone a 7.05 acres portion of property, <br /> 242 which totals 54.23 acres,from AR(Agricultural Residential)to NR-CD(Non-Residential Conditional <br /> 243 District). <br /> 244 The parcel's is located at 9825 NC Highway 49 in the Cedar Grove Township(PIN 9940-46-0359). <br /> 245 This item is scheduled for the BOCC public hearing in November. <br /> 246 PRESENTER: Brian Collie, Planner II <br /> 247 <br /> 248 Brian Collie presented a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed the proposed zoning atlas amendment. <br /> 249 <br /> 250 Beth Bronson: Can you clarify the industrial zoning? The NR-CD applications,the red area that you mentioned is part of <br /> 251 a Rural Industrial Zoning District? <br /> 252 <br /> 253 Brian Collie: No, it's not a zoning district. It's in an activity node, a certain amount of land is allowed to be rezoned to <br /> 254 commercial needs. <br /> 255 <br /> 256 Perdita Holtz: The Rural Industrial Node is a Future Land Use Map classification that is found in the Comprehensive <br /> 257 Plan. It is not a zoning district;you can see there that the definition of Rural Industrial Activity Node is the areas that are <br /> 258 focused on designated road intersections. Designated road intersections in this case is the confluence of NC 49 and NC <br /> 259 86 and it serves as crossroads for the surrounding rural community and is an appropriate location for small scale <br /> 260 industrial uses. That is the vision of the Comprehensive Plan as it is written today for that type of node. That being said, <br /> 261 NR-CD is allowed in the Rural Industrial Activity Nodes and as part of that any of those permitted uses can be applied <br /> 262 for. <br /> 263 <br /> 264 Brian Collie continued the PowerPoint presentation and review of the proposed zoning atlas amendment <br /> 265 <br /> 266 Applicant Representatives Briant Roby and Doug Barr reviewed the site plan and gave an overview. <br /> 267 <br /> 268 Charity Kirk: I have a general Comprehensive Plan question, on the map it looks like it is a Rural Neighborhood zone, <br /> 269 not a Rural Industrial zone, can you clarify? In the Comprehensive Plan document not in your slide. Page 86 of <br /> 270 Comprehensive Plan document shows that it's a pink area around that node which indicates Rural Neighborhood. <br /> 271 <br /> 272 Brian Collie: It is within the Rural Industrial Activity Node. <br /> 273 <br /> 274 Perdita Holtz pointed out the location on the Future Land Use Map. <br /> 275 <br />
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