Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> traffic was not a significant disruption. She said read comments made by Commissioner <br /> Greene at the June 21, 2022 BOCC meeting. She said she agreed with what Commissioner <br /> Greene noted about there not being an urgent need. She asked for the commissioners to not <br /> approve the ordinance. <br /> Sarah Snipes said this protest originated from students who wanted to have a tailgate <br /> party to protest the spectator restrictions that had been put on the students. She said that this <br /> was going to be on school property and in a safe location. She said that she reached out to the <br /> school board before the protest for space in the parking lot and was turned down. She said that <br /> on October 11 the school board adopted the resolution to address harm. She said that the hate <br /> resolution says students from Orange High School shared information with the Board of <br /> Education. She said they were solicited and compelled by the school board. She said a <br /> previous school board member, Hillary McKenzie, said they went into a school classroom and <br /> showed them video of the protest and then asked them to comment. She said that this is how <br /> the student comments were obtained. She said that these board members and administration <br /> used their positions to manipulate students. She said they are using this to silence any voice of <br /> opposing views. She said that this policy should not be passed. <br /> David Kolbinsky said he has lived in Orange county for half a century. He said he was <br /> asked to highlight the cost of this ordinance. He said that he looked up lawsuits and there were <br /> many instances of people suing school boards for speech issues. He said that this ordinance <br /> will abridge the first amendment right of free speech. He said that the ordinance has morphed <br /> again and it seems they forgot about the proud boys. He said he was twice elected to the <br /> school board. He said that the signs simply had a website listed and they were walking in public <br /> highways when the people of the school board did not like it. He said when the school board <br /> made the presentation for this, the assistant superintendent said this is for some people that <br /> disagree with certain policies of the Board. <br /> Ingrid Conley said there is no Orange County social justice impact goal associated with <br /> this item. She said this is absurd. She said that the school board resolution states that it is <br /> centered around social justice. She then read from the school board's resolution. She said they <br /> intended to use the hate resolution to support the picketing ordinance. She said that the <br /> intended social justice impact is that it will prevent students from being recruited from white <br /> supremacists. She said that it will disrupt discrimination and challenge discriminatory behavior. <br /> She said why are they not acknowledging the social justice issues that the school board clearly <br /> stated. She said that they should provide an explanation of how it has no social justice goal <br /> impact. <br /> Sophia Stewart said she graduated from Cedar Ridge High School in 2016. She said the <br /> picketing ordinance says that gathering for a common purpose is prohibited in school property <br /> and even on private property. She asked what the right of the public to peaceably assemble <br /> means. She said it reminds her of 1968 when the City of Memphis tried to prohibit Dr. Martin <br /> Luther King, Jr. from continuing to march because of the recent violence. She said that in his <br /> final speech, he said that they were going into court to fight the illegal injunction and that <br /> America should be true to what it says on paper. She said that if you read the transcript, you will <br /> see that "the wellbeing of children" is used over and over. She said that they said certain words <br /> of Dr. King's were "threatening to children." She asked for them to not approve the ordinance <br /> because history is watching. <br /> Jacquie Barker said commissioners claim the reason for this ordinance is to protect <br /> children but have not passed ordinances related to drugs, alcohol, pornography or social media <br /> while at school. She asked how this ordinance will stop students from hurting others feelings. <br /> She said there must be a long list of protests where students have been harmed since this <br /> ordinance has yet to be adopted. She said that if they are really protecting children from seeing <br /> protests, then they should just ban them from the whole town. She said it has been a year since <br />