Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Orange County school Board meets on school campuses many times and thinks it could be <br /> narrowly defined. He said there is vague language about government meetings. He said if <br /> parents want to protest, he thinks having a protest in the public right of way is reasonable. <br /> Don O'Leary said it seems like the school system is afraid of parents. He said if they <br /> stayed with normal topics and away from sexual perversion, there would be less issues with <br /> schools. He said there would be fewer problems from the parents. He said there is no political <br /> fix to a spiritual problem. He said this is related to issues around the world. He said that the <br /> institutions have been infiltrated. He said putting any ordinance against the schools for <br /> protesting will solve anything. He said the next step is into people's homes. He said we all need <br /> to pray on this and come up with a proper solution. <br /> Olivia Fisher said her child attends fifth grade at Grady Brown Elementary School. She <br /> said she is pleased with the education. She said she is opposed because the ordinance is <br /> vague. She read part of the proposed ordinance. She asked what the boundaries are for the <br /> school playgrounds. She asked about the term official meeting. She said it puts a lot of <br /> discretion in the hands of school officials and law enforcement. She asked if can people gather <br /> along the roadway for a community cleanup and said that harassment is already a chargeable <br /> offense. She said that the ordinance does not promote a safer community or safer campuses. <br /> She said that it creates silent ones. <br /> Dale Hodson said he does not believe most of the Commissioners have a full <br /> understanding of the impact of the ordinance. He said that a deputy will have to decide many of <br /> these upon arriving on a scene. He provided the following questions: <br /> 1 - If fifty students are picketing outside their own school with huge Nazi banners covered with <br /> swastikas and other horrendous symbols and statements, can the Sheriff cite them, even <br /> though they are protesters at their own school? <br /> 2a - If fifty more counter-protesters form across the street, also students, but they attend a <br /> different school, and they're holding their "BLM" and "Pride" banners, can the Sheriff cite them <br /> because they aren't students at this particular school —while the Nazi protesters continue <br /> untouched? <br /> 2b -Will deputies have to check for student IDs of every person protesting, since that is one of <br /> the criteria in this ordinance, so in this example, one hundred ID checks? <br /> 3 - If I'm on a public sidewalk in front of my own house hundreds of feet away from a school, <br /> and no one at the school can see or hear me, can a student from that school come to that <br /> same spot, in front of my own house, and picket with a sign, but I can't? <br /> 4 - If I'm in my neighbor's back yard and we're talking together, hundreds of feet away from a <br /> school and no one at the school can see or hear us, and then another neighbor with a grudge <br /> hears us talking about politics, and then calls the Sheriff since we are "protesting," can the <br /> Sheriff come out and cite me? <br /> 5 - If I have a political sign next to a state-maintained roadway, near a school, and I am sitting <br /> nearby, quietly guarding my sign from being stolen, can the Sheriff cite me for protesting too <br /> close to a school? And does this contradict NC law (GS 136-32)? <br /> 6 - Is it true that political activists and their"election-related activity" (handing out flyers, etc.) will <br /> no longer be allowed at the normal fifty foot buffer outside the entrance to polling places if the <br /> location is "too close" to a school or playground? And does this contradict NC law (GS 163- <br /> 166.4)? <br /> 7a - If someone drives past a school and their truck has an "I Love Joe Biden" bumper sticker, <br /> can the Sheriff cite the driver for protesting too close to a school? <br /> 7b - What if, instead, there is a moving line of fifty trucks all flying huge "Trump 2024" banners <br /> past a school or a playground? (A similar event actually happened in Orange County in 2020.) <br /> Can the Sheriff cite the drivers for protesting too close to a school? <br /> 8a - If two friends are standing near a school, and one is wearing a plain T-shirt and the other is <br />