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5 <br /> be removed immediately; tree#1, #4, #7 and #11 need corrective pruning immediately in order <br /> to eliminate various numbers of defective parts in their crowns; and tree#10 needs an aerial <br /> inspection of the crown's branchwood and elimination of further damage to the surface roots <br /> near the base of the tree." (Trees are plotted by number in Attachment 2). The problems the <br /> most-damaged trees are exhibiting, according to Dr. McGraw, include extensive cavities, <br /> deadwood and defective branches (see examples of damage in the photos in Attachment 3). <br /> He also said that, "Due to the siting of each of these eleven maples, adjacent to either <br /> pedestrian entryways, a municipal street, parking or overhead electrical utility lines and the <br /> unpredictable defective structural conditions listed, expedient corrective pruning or removal of <br /> these trees as described for each tree would be most prudent." <br /> At this time, Public Works staff recommends the removal of all eleven maples and the <br /> replacement of each one with a tree of the same type, about 6" in diameter and reaching to <br /> approximately 20 feet in height. The trees will be moved back from the existing retaining wall <br /> into a better position that will prevent problems with the old tree's root systems. A twelfth tree <br /> will replace the one that fell and a thirteenth tree will be added to the east side of the building. <br /> Each tree will be replaced with the same type that was previously there: sugar maples along <br /> the front of the building and red maples along the side. <br /> Reasons to consider replacing and changing the position of all trees: <br /> Providing improved root growth area; <br /> Increasing distance from the retaining wall to allow room for root growth; <br /> Providing adequate mulch area ring which should be sized to about 6% <br /> Providing adequate watering area; <br /> Providing shade for the building; <br /> Creating symmetry in locating trees in line around building which <br /> improves aesthetics; and <br /> Providing increased distance from overhead power lines. <br /> All of these tree removals and installations would be conducted by area professionals with <br /> experience in the field through a competitive bidding process. Every effort to follow <br /> recommended maintenance plans for the new trees would then be followed. <br /> 1 met with the Hillsborough Tree Board on January 16, 2002 and the members unanimously, <br /> approved the recommendation to remove eleven trees and one stump and install the 13 new <br /> maples. <br />