Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> Bids were solicited from eleven vendors on Orange County Bid number 1265, with three bidders ` <br /> responding. A pre-bid conference was held and was attended by two vendors. The bid was posted <br /> on the County's website. The attached bid tabulation reflects that Audobon Tree of Pittsboro, North <br /> Carolina at a total cost of$36,200.00, submitted the lowest responsible bid that was responsive. <br /> As the Board knows, there are several projects in various stages of development taking place at the <br /> Whiffed Building. The staff intends to conduct an information meeting that includes the neighbors so <br /> that they understand the impact of the work to be carried out at the facility. However, the first project <br /> has been held up by the Historic District Commission, pending additional information on concessions <br /> by the County in the proposed paving project. The engineer is assessing the costs of the <br /> concessions in order that we may determine sufficiency of funding and overall feasibility for the entire <br /> project. Staff recommends that the neighborhood meeting occur after this analysis has been made, <br /> since it could result in material changes to the project. Staff further recommends that the Board <br /> approve the re-planting of the trees, albeit prior to the neighborhood meeting, in order to take <br /> advantage of the somewhat limited spring planting window. <br /> The County has, however, initiated a program to educate citizens as to the plan of action for the <br /> removal and replanting of the trees. This program includes a poster displayed at the Library at <br /> RWHSC and a notebook at the circulation desk that includes a copy of the Manager's memo. In <br /> addition, the Public Works staff will produce a smaller scale copy of the poster and hand-deliver to the <br /> neighbors in the immediate vicinity of the Whitted Building. Attached is a small-scale copy of the <br /> poster. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of this action, if approved by the Board, would be $36,200. Funds, <br /> included in prior years appropriations, are available in the Whitted Human Services Center Capital <br /> Project to cover the cost of the tree replacements. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board award bid number 1265 to <br /> Audobon Tree of Pittsboro, North Carolina at a total cost of$36,200.00.; and authorize the <br /> Purchasing Director to execute the necessary paperwork. <br />