Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />VOTE: All ayes <br />8.C.2 Telecommunication Towers <br />Davis discusses future use of a MTP (Master Telco Plan). <br />Noah Rairells - Comments that Agricultural Districts need to implement it. <br />Robert Davis- It was only advertised as an informational tool and not a regulation. <br />la <br />Craig Benedict states Noah Ranells's concerns will help bring the MTP back to the forefront after <br />a Task Force is created. <br />Jay Bryan - States balloon tests should be done in the winter.- <br />Davis - answers that most will be done at that time because of and amended meeting schedule. <br />Jay Bryan & Brian Dobyns ask questions regarding resident notification. <br />Sam - balloons help neighborhood understand location and height. <br />Hunter Schofield - Who is captured by the notice and test? <br />Davis - says Y2 mile radius notified. <br />Cranford Goodwin - says priority ranking test should be instituted in full without the deleted <br />areas. <br />Davis says MTP will help in this matter when it resurfaced. <br />Craig Benedict- Mentions again that a Task Force will be suggested to bring the MTP to a <br />conclusion. <br />MOTION ON 8.C.2. Craufurd Goodwin - Moves to Approve Telecommunication Towers, Ted <br />seconds <br />VOTE: All ayes <br />8.1). TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />Recommendations of Orange Grove Road Transportation Group <br />Certificates and Endorsements to Appear on Final Plat <br />Hunter Schofield suggest motion be made to combine 8.D.1 &2. <br />MOTION on Combining 8.1 .1 &2. by Jay Bryan - Barry Katz seconds <br />VOTE: All Ayes. <br />Hunter Schofield: We heard these prior to going to the Public Hearing as well as at the Public