Orange County NC Website
24 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />DRAFT <br />3 b. Amend Article 6.18 (Telecommunication Towers and Equipment) and Article <br />4 8.8.17a (Telecommunication Towers) to clarify inconsistencies and provide a <br />5 better understanding of the various aspects of the review process as well as <br />6 revise the intent, scope, and use of the Master Telecommunications Plan concept. <br />7 <br />8 Craig Benedict (gray hand out) and this only had minor changes in this-they went <br />9 through 18 months of review to amend the ordinance recently. He stated that they have <br />10 reviewed 4 Class B Special Use Permits. They have learned that there is more <br />11 information needed earlier to help them review the application. This information includes <br />12 more information on the telecommunication propagation studies, having panorama <br />13 photographs of towers when they come in with the application rather than down the line; <br />14 balloon photos to be filed at time of application; fee structure now requires lump sum with <br />15 formal application and now there is a two - part process. We are now asking part of fee <br />16 to be paid at first meeting in order to have money available to pay the consultant for his <br />17 time. As for the MTP, there is one modification - in gray sheet. In the past the two <br />18 boards have discussed the relevance of the MTP- should we note certain areas on map <br />19 to use for future siting of towers and could they provide the public safety needs for the <br />20 County. He stated that they have not come to a consensus and what role does the MTP <br />21 play in this and in the BOCC/Planning Board original packet Staff was using the MTP as <br />22 a priority system. The legal ad did not cover this and this item will have to be taken out <br />23 of the agenda until they have discussed it with manager and Board of County <br />24 Commissioners. He stated that they are removing the MTP plan from priority list for <br />25 now. He said that the EMS office is working on a study <br />26 <br />27 Commissioner Jacobs On page 12, three becomes four. He suggested adding <br />28 language 'as determined by County Consultant'. <br />29 <br />30 Sean Borhanian said that that was indicated in number 5. <br />31 <br />32 Commissioner Jacobs said that the best time to have a balloon test is when there are <br />33 no leaves on trees. <br />34 <br />35 Craig Benedict agreed and stated that the balloon tests are done prior to the public <br />36 hearings and which can at any time during the year. He stated that the Annual <br />37 Telecommunication Projection Meeting will be held in January to determine the number <br />38 of applications to be filed in the coming year. <br />39 <br />40 Noah Rannell said that there has been discussion about towers helping farmers by <br />41 locating sites on farms and it can be a significant source of income for farmers. <br />42 <br />43 Craig Benedict said that there is interest in agriculture community and they will need to <br />44 develop a task force to look at the MTP, <br />45 <br />46 Noah Rannell asked if this was possible to get on this list now.. <br />47 <br />29