Orange County NC Website
locations as follows: <br />a. on existing strucutres or power lines; <br />b, on utility poles; <br />c.. on industrially-or commercially-zoned properties; <br />d, on a stealth facility; <br />e. at another location not identified above. <br />Other minor changes to improve process and clarity. <br />Issues at the November 24, 2003 Public Hearing <br />1) Why are farmers not given a higher priority on tower location now? <br />The proposed MTP will have a priority list of users that will include bona fide farms; the <br />MTP will have to be advertised and considered at a future public hearing meeting. <br />2) Why all balloon tests cannot be flown when the leaves are not on the trees? <br />Balloon tests are flown a set number of days prior to the public hearing, which is not <br />known until the application is filed. <br />Issues at the January 8, 2004 Planning Board Meeting <br />1) Requested that the MTP be returned at the May 2004 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />Staff will prepare the recommendation and request sending to the May 2004 Quarterly <br />Public Hearing, <br />2) Request that the next round of revisions to the Telco Ordinance require balloon tests to be <br />flown when all leaves are off of trees, <br />The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed amendments. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None, <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: The Administration recommends APPROVAL of the proposed <br />amendments.