Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> April 2,2002 <br /> Pam Jones <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Issues and constraints <br /> • Base map finalization <br /> Phase Two—Review of proposed Park Facilities <br /> Presentation meeting of Phase i and programming meeting to determine <br /> park facilities-combined <br /> Rank facilities for development priority(By orange and Durham County) <br /> • Develop phasing options(By Orange and Durham County) <br /> • Review of historical architectural components <br /> Develop facilities spacial requirements and functional relationships(bubble <br /> diagrams) <br /> • Determine regulatory criteria <br /> • Owner development criteria <br /> Presentation meeting <br /> Phase Three—"Sketch Design" <br /> Utilizing issues and constraints map delineate development pods <br /> • Special articulation of facilities considering pedestrian and vehicular <br /> circulation <br /> • '-Sketch Designs'of alternate facilities configurations <br /> • Site visit for validation of design <br /> • Presentation meeting <br /> Phase Four—Drat Conceptual Designs <br /> • Review comments from 4Sketch Designs' <br /> • incorporate comments and develop a conceptual site plan(hand drawn) <br /> Once the conceptual site Is prepared a conceptual grading plan will be <br /> prepared to establish the relative volume of earth for the estimate of probable <br /> construction cost. <br /> • Develop phasirig/Implementation plan(By Orange and Durham County) <br /> • Develop estimate of probable construction cost <br /> Refine conceptual design <br /> • Public meeting for concept presentation <br /> Phase Five—Preliminary Site Plan <br /> • Review and incorporate comments from Phase Four public meeting as <br /> appropriate. <br /> • Prepare a preliminary hand rendered site pan drawing to scale establishing <br /> horizontal geometry for all proposed Improvements. Drawings will be colored <br /> • In association with this plan a preliminary grading plan will be prepared so <br /> that Initial erosion control and storm water design can be undertaken. <br /> • Sketches of detailing and outline specification will also be prepared at this <br /> time. <br /> Once the above plans have been prepared a detailed unit quantity estimate <br /> of probable construction cost will be prepared. <br /> • Incorporate comments into plans <br /> • Prepare written summary or entire design process In anticipation of submittal <br /> to the two county boards. <br /> • Public presentation meeting to subcommittee of Joint boards <br /> Haden Stanziale Letter Agreement.max <br />