Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />Memorandum <br />To: Cal Horton, Chapel Hill Town Manager <br />Eric Peterson, Hillsborough Town Manager <br />Steve Smith, Carrboro Town Manager <br />From: John Link, Orange County Manager <br />Subject: State Solid Waste Management Plan 3-Year Update <br />Date: February 4, 2004 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing for February 17, <br />2004 to receive citizen comment regarding the Draft 3-Year Solid Waste Management Plan <br />Update. The update was due last summer, however, the County was granted a delay due to <br />Commissioner interest in examining the plan in more detail. The Commissioners completed their <br />review in December, 200.3 and the plan has been modified accordingly. The Solid Waste <br />Advisory Board discussed the draft plan update at its January 8 meeting. <br />Each of the three municipalities are required to adopt a resolution endorsing the plan update prior <br />to it being submitted. The Towns are not required to conduct further public hearings/meetings, <br />but of course may hold additional meetings/forums as they choose. The Inter local Agreement <br />assigns Orange County the lead agency role in the state planning process. Our goal is to obtain <br />all Town endorsements and submit the plan by March 15, 2004. <br />A draft copy of the plan is enclosed for your review. A draft resolution of endorsement is also <br />included should you choose to modify it for your own use. County Solid Waste staff are <br />available to attend meetings and provide information to your Boards as necessary. Please contact <br />Solid Waste Department Director Gayle Wilson or I anytime with questions or comments <br />regarding this matter.