Orange County NC Website
297 <br />The School Board requests permission to negotiate for property known as Northern Heights. I <br />located north of Hillsboro and now belonging to C. C. Edwards of <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Cleveland, and unanimously <br />adopted, the County School Board was authorized to negotiate for the purchase of Northern Heights <br />and was granted $6,000.00 for this purpose. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Cleveland, and unanimously <br />adopted, Commissioner Bennett was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Donald McDade on the County <br />Welfare Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cleveland, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimously <br />adopted, L. J. Phipps was appointed as Judge of the Orange County Recorder's Court for a two year term. <br />Upon motion of 3ommissioner ?ennett, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimously <br />adopted, Lloyd Noell was appointed as Solicitor of the Orange County Recorder's Court for a two year <br />term. <br />The following names were drawn to serve as jurors for the February Term of Criminal-:Court <br />and the March Term of Civil Court: <br />February Criminal Term <br />1. A. J. Andrews (Efland) 38. Anne Higham (CH) <br />2. Mrs. Louis L. Hobbs (CH) 39. Herbert Parlor (Carrboro) <br />3. Frank Shelburne (CH) 40. Wallace V. Copeland (CH) <br />4. John Furman Herring, Jr. (CH) hl. John K. Walker (Hb) <br />5. Clem B. Sanders (Carrboro) 42. Benny S. Sharpe (CH) <br />6. Mrs. G. H. Ray (Carrboro) 43. Weldon M. Pendergraft (CH) <br />7. Miss Geraldine Eubanks (CH) 44. Robert Hill (Carrboro) <br />8. Lewis Vernon Tilley (Hb) 45• Elizabeth Shaft (CH) <br />9. Jennings Smith (Hurdle Mills) 46. Mrs. Ira K. Hicklin (CH) <br />10. Marion P. Walker (Hb) 47. George E. Shepard (CH) <br />11. A. Warren Wilson (Hb) 48. Maynard Brown (W.Hb) <br />12. Linwood Gates (Rougemont) 49. Edward S. Brown (Hb). <br />13. 0. T. Farrington (CH) 50. Jeanette L. Alling (CH) <br />14. Brno Hoft, Jr. (CH) 51. Earl J. Byrd (Hb) <br />15. Thomas C. Savage (CH) 52. Richard N. League (CH) <br />16. Jack Chavis (Timberlake) 53. Mrs. A. L. Farrell (Carrboro) <br />17. G. P. Carr (Hillsboro) 54. Joe Henry Alston (CH) <br />18. John C. Alford (Carrboro) 55. John C. Earnhardt (CH) <br />19. William G. Stanford (CH) 56. A. H. Shepard (CH) <br />20. F. E. Strowd (CH) 57. Jesse Fearrington(CH) <br />?1. E. C. Howard (Rt. 1 Durham) 58, Charles M. Weiss (CH) <br />?2. Eloise R. Lewis (CH? 59. John K. Nelson (CH) <br />?3. Ben E. Perry (CH) 60. Mrs. Bessie Crabtree (Hb) <br />24. Elizabeth W. Mustard (CH) 61. Curtis R. Whitfield (CH) <br />?5. Margaret E, Jones (Rt. 23 Durham) 62. William E. Teer (CH) <br />?6. Mrs. W. T. Mattox (CH) 63. William H. White (CH) <br />?7. C. 3. Dodson (Efland) 64. James W. Thompson (Hb) <br />?8. Patricia A. Latta (Mebane) 65. Zeb V. Terry (Hb) <br />?9. Lawrence Bass (Hb) 66. Ollie W. Thompson (CH) <br />30. Donald P. Harris (CH) 67. M. H. Miller (Hb) <br />i1. Jimmie L. Rogers (Mebane) 68. Nan Pattie (CH) <br />32. Garvey Simmons (Efland) 69. Raymond Walker (CH) <br />13. Mrs. T. Weldon Sykes (Efland) 70. Theodore S. Franklin (Rt. 1 Durham) <br />14. R. Howard Smith (CH) 71. Leonia K. Atwater (CH) <br />15. Wilbert A. Snipes (CH) 72. Josephine Dena (CH) <br />16. James A. Tunstall (Hb) 73. Ersell..Thomason (Rt. 2 Mebane) <br />17. James E. McBroom (Mb) <br />March Civil Term <br />1. Sandy Johnson (CH) <br />2. Julia T. Staples (CH) <br />3. Lawrence C. Tills (Hurdle Mills) <br />L. A. C. Shearer (CH) <br />5. John L. Sanders (CH) <br />6. Wm. G. Kilpatrick, Jr. (CH) <br />7. Earle E. Peacock, Sr. (CH) <br />8. Mrs. Ernestine Scandrett (CH) <br />9. Mrs. H. R. Hinklenan (CH) <br />10. Fred T. Semeniuk (CH) <br />11. Earl Settlemire (CH) <br />12. P. W. Parker (Rt. 1 Durham) <br />13. Jack Cotton (CH) <br />14. Joe Carrington (Timberlake) <br />15. L. W. Clayton (Rougemoat) <br />16. Flossie Henderson (CH) <br />17. Cottie Herndon (CH) <br />18. Elizabeth Young (Rt. 1 Durham) <br />19. Mrs. Raymond Wilson (Hurdle Mills) <br />20. Margaret Gates (Rougemont) <br />1. Lemuel Edwards (CH) <br />!2. Mack Hackney (CH) <br />3. Robert B. Boitle (CH) <br />24. Lawrence Campbell <br />25. Richard W. Bone (Carrboro) <br />26. Hilliard Caldwell (CH) <br />27. C. F. Rumold (CH) <br />28. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. (CH) <br />29. Billy C. Merritt (CH) <br />30. Herman Craven (W. Hb) <br />31. Charles W. Snipes (Hb) <br />32. Alla P. Meridith (CH) <br />33. J. E. Latta (Hb) <br />34. John R. Bowman (Hurdle Mills) <br />35. Talbert Alston (CH) <br />36. John Wilbur Harrington (CH) <br />37. Nanette Taylor (CH) <br />38. Alene Jolly (Rt. 2 Durham) <br />39. Hervey A. Hutchins (Rt. 2 Durham) <br />40. James Masson (CH) <br />41. John R. Durham (CH) <br />42. Mrs. W. M. Perkins (CH) <br />43. Willie G, Suitt (CH) <br />44. George W. Sykes (Hb) <br />45. Mary Dodson (Hb) <br />46. George W. Justice (W. Hb)