Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> GAP DETAILS <br /> �.� CURRENT GAPS: HOUSING <br /> Orange County has made significant progress on filling some system gaps,there is also more work to be done. <br /> Here is the current status with some gaps added from previous editions of the Gaps Analysis. <br /> PROGRESS NEEDED <br /> GAP SINCE JUNE 2019 STATUS NOTES TO FILL <br /> Furniture and Orange County PARTIALLY The Furniture Program,St.Thomas $160,000 <br /> household goods used state CARES FILLED More's Caring and Sharing Center, <br /> Act funding and CommunityWorx thrift store <br /> for a furniture offer some options for furniture and <br /> and household household goods for people entering <br /> goods program housing.Gaps remain for returning <br /> in November clients,clients in Ashley Forest,and <br /> 2020—over 71 to meet community-wide need for all <br /> households people exiting homelessness <br /> applied in a 6 <br /> week period,of <br /> whom 39 were <br /> funded an average <br /> of$800 <br /> Program Description: <br /> People exiting homelessness often have little to no furniture or the other things needed to create a home, like <br /> linens,dishes,and cleaning supplies. Having items to make a housing unit livable and comfortable contribute <br /> greatly to housing stability.A best-practice program design would allow for a great deal of flexibility and client <br /> choice in allowing people to pick both what they need and what they would like for their homes.Orange County <br /> is on track to house over 160 households in 2021,the project budget estimates for 200 households understanding <br /> some do not come through the HOME Committee.The project budget estimates$800 per household, <br /> understanding some people will be fully or partially served by existing community programs,but that gaps <br /> remain. <br /> Program Budget: <br /> 200 households per year,$800 each $160,000 <br /> 8 <br />