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14 <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the idea of co-locating the satellite campus with <br /> the new Orange County High School. Chair Carey said that the task force did tour a co-location site <br /> in Caswell_County. As the task force reviewed the Orange County high school site, it determined that <br /> co-location might not be feasible because of the size of the site. <br /> Commissioner Gordon supports the location of the satellite campus in central Orange <br /> County. She asked about the DTCC branch in Treybum in Durham County,which could be used by <br /> people who live in the northern part of the County. She would like to see the pros and cons of the <br /> various sites. She would also like for the site to be close to the new high school because of the <br /> educational and geographical advantages. Cedar Ridge High School is the name of the new Orange <br /> County High School <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the members of the task force including Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis and Chair Carey. In response to Commissioner Gordon's concern about co-location with the <br /> new high school, he said that there has been some indication that a campus may be able to be <br /> located in the 1-85/1-40 EDD. He thanked staff for options on how the County plans to match the <br /> $4,000,000 bond. He would like to understand the recurring cost. <br /> The representatives from DTCC estimated the annual recurring operating costs to be <br /> $400,000 to$500,000. They will provide more detailed information soon. <br /> John Link asked that the County Commissioners authorize the staff to incorporate into the <br /> County's Capital Improvement Plan responses to the concerns that have been expressed about the <br /> financial impact of the state bond and specifically a DTCC satellite campus in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis commended Barbara Baker for her work on this task force. He <br /> feels that the campus would need to be centrally located. He said that location in one of the County's <br /> EDDs with access from the interstate would be important. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Carey to have staff <br /> come back with a recommendation in January 2001 for further discussion of a satellite campus for <br /> Durham Technical Community College in Orange County and how it could be pursued. Also, if this is <br /> going to be considered for the bond referendum in November 2001, information needs to be received <br /> In January. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Certificate of Achievement for Financial Reoortina <br /> The Board recognized the staff of the Finance Department for earning the Government <br /> Finance Officers'Association(GFOA)Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial <br /> Reporting. <br /> John Link said that this is the highest form of recognition that professionals in local <br /> government can receive. The Orange County Finance Department has received this award every <br /> year since 1982. <br /> Ken Chavious introduced the members of his staff—Debbie Smith,Joyce Holmes, Howard <br /> Fitts, and Debbie Hams. Dorothy Hurdle and Bridgett Wade are also on his staff but were not in <br /> attendance. <br /> g; Alternative Fuel and Low-emission Vehicle Work Group <br /> The Board considered a resolution and heard a presentation from the Alternative Fuel and <br /> Low-emission Vehicle (AFLEV)Work Group and considered authorizing staff to submit a Mobile <br /> Source Emission Reduction Grant(MSERG)application. <br /> David Stencil summarized the information in the agenda. He said that in 1999 the Board <br /> passed three resolutions related to air quality. As a result of that, a work group was formed to look at <br /> opportunities to pursue lowering emissions in the County vehicle fleet in alternative vehicles. He <br /> recognized the volunteers and staff members who served on the work group. There are two types of <br /> vehicles that could be purchased and placed into the vehicle fleet compressed natural gas(CNG) <br /> and electric vehicles. The proposal is that the County purchase seven alternative fuel vehicles-six <br /> CNG vehicles and one electric as a demonstration project. The proposed state grant will pay for the <br /> cost differential between a gasoline-powered vehicle and an alternative fueled vehicle. The Town of <br /> Chapel Hill has received a grant from this source in 1999 and purchased three CNG vehicles. The <br /> second part of the proposal is the construction of a CNG refueling station at the Public Works facility <br /> in Hillsborough. The grant proposal would cover approximately 60%of the cost with the County <br /> 6 <br /> Thursday.April 11,2002(4).max <br />